Experimental Study on the Preparation of Porous Ammonium Nitrate Emulsion Explosive using Micro-meter Coal Powder Water Slurry
为降低多孔粒状铵油炸药的材料成本,提高其稳定性和爆炸安全性,将微米级煤粉与水的混合物(体积比为1∶1混合的煤粉水浊液)部分或完全取代柴油制备粒状铵油炸药.通过实验测试选取爆速最大配方,使用摩擦感度仪测试炸药发火概率,采用C80微量量热仪研究煤粉对多孔粒状铵油炸药热分解反应的影响,以热流曲线数据为依据,通过Arrhenius方程得出不同样品热分解反应的热力学和动力学参数.结果表明,混合质量分数10%煤粉水浊液和2%柴油的铵油炸药爆速最高,为3 227m/s;炸药摩擦感度发火概率最大为4%;煤粉水浊液抑制了多孔粒状硝酸铵的热分解反应,用其制备的铵油炸药的表观活化能、指前因子和热分解起始温度,均高于纯柴油多孔粒状铵油炸药,用其部分或完全替代柴油制备的多孔粒状铵油炸药的热稳定性较好.
To reduce the material cost and improve the stability and safety,the porous granular ammonium nitrate and fuel oil(ANFO)explosive was prepared by partially or fully substitution of a mixture of micro-meter coal powder and water(the vol-ume ratio of coal powder and water slurry is 1∶1)for diesel oil.Through experimental testing,the optimal formula with the maximum detonation velocity was obtained.The friction sensitivity of the emulsion explosive was studied using a friction sensi-tivity tester,and the effect of coal powder on the thermal decomposition reaction of porous granular ANFO explosive was stud-ied using a C80 micro-thermal analyzer.The kinetics and thermodynamics parameters of thermal decomposition reaction for dif-ferent samples were calculated using Arrhenius equation based on the thermal flow curve data.Results show that the explosive prepared with a mixture of 10%coal powder water slurry and 2%diesel oil has the highest detonation velocity of 3 227m/s.The friction sensitivity of the explosive is the highest,with a maximum probability of ignition of 4%.The coal powder water slurry inhibits the thermal decomposition reaction of porous granular ANFO explosive.The apparent activation energy,pre-exponen-tial factor,and initial decomposition temperature of the explosive prepared with the coal powder water slurry are higher than those of the pure diesel oil porous granular ANFO explosive.The new-made explosive prepared by partially or fully substitution of the coal powder water slurry for diesel oil has better thermal stability.
安徽理工大学化工与爆破学院,安徽淮南 232001安徽理工大学安全科学与工程学院,安徽淮南 232001||合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院,安徽 合肥 230000神华准格尔能源有限责任公司,内蒙古鄂尔多斯 010300神华准格尔能源有限责任公司,内蒙古鄂尔多斯 010300三易(海南)新材料有限公司,海南 海口 570100三易(海南)新材料有限公司,海南 海口 570100安徽理工大学化工与爆破学院,安徽淮南 232001安徽理工大学化工与爆破学院,安徽淮南 232001安徽理工大学化工与爆破学院,安徽淮南 232001
physical chemistryindustrial explosiveporous granular ANFO explosivecoal powder water slurryexplosion safetythermal stability
《火炸药学报》 2024 (11)