

Comparison of Two Propellant Burning Rate Testing Methods Based on the Solid Rocket Motors Working Principle


针对固体推进剂高压动态燃速高效测试难题,分别采用冲量法和质量流率法测试两种推进剂在不同压强下的燃速.结果表明,在喷管严重烧蚀造成的压强平稳段中,3个不同时段的冲量法燃速分别为17.92、18.00和18.04mm/s,单次试验结果间的一致性较好;质量流率法较为简单,但喷管严重烧蚀会导致测试结果不合理.两种推进剂的平行实验结果表明,冲量法燃速测试结果的偏差较小,复合推进剂在8~35 MPa下的燃速最大偏差不超过0.3mm/s、双基推进剂在8~25 MPa下的燃速最大偏差不超过0.4mm/s;质量流率法燃速结果偏差较大;喷管烧蚀不影响冲量法的燃速结果,且能够降低高压段的增压速率,有利于实现燃速对压强改变的瞬时响应;采用冲量法测试复合推进剂在20MPa下的燃速为22mm/s和21.96mm/s,与标准发动机法燃速相比,最大误差为0.45%.

In response to the challenge of efficient on the high-pressure dynamic burning rates of solid propellants testing,the impulse method and the mass flow rate method were respectively employed to measure the burning rates of two kinds of solid propellants under different pressures.The results show that in the pressure stable section caused by severe nozzle erosion,the burning rates obtained by the impulse method in three different time periods are 17.92,18.00,and 18.04mm/s,demonstra-ting the good consistency between individual testing results.The mass flow rate method is simple but yields unreasonable results due to the severe nozzle erosion.Results of parallel experiments of the two kinds of propellants indicate that the burning rate test results obtained by the impulse method have small deviations,with a maximum deviation of less than 0.3mm/s for com-posite propellants at 8-35MPa and 0.4mm/s for double base propellants at 8-25MPa,indicating that the burning rates ob-tained by mass flow rate method exhibite larger deviations.Nozzle erosion does not affect the burning rate results obtained by impulse method,and it can reduce the pressurization rate in the high-pressure stage,facilitating an instantaneous response of the burning rate to changes in pressure.The burning rates of composite propellants tested at 20MPa by using the impulse meth-od were 22mm/s and 21.96mm/s,with a maximum error of 0.45%compared to the standard motor method.


西北工业大学固体推进全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072湖北航天化学技术研究所航天化学能源全国重点实验室,湖北襄阳 441003湖北航天化学技术研究所航天化学能源全国重点实验室,湖北襄阳 441003西北工业大学固体推进全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072西北工业大学固体推进全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072



physical chemistryimpulse methodmass flow rate metodsolid rocket propellantdynamic burning ratenozzle erosion

《火炸药学报》 2024 (11)


