The Sustainable Development of Forest Food Value Chain
基于东北国有林区5 家企业数据,采用偏最小二乘结构方程模型(PLS-SEM),分析森林食品价值链投入产出关系及其影响因素,探讨森林食品价值链的可持续发展问题.结果表明:投入变量对产出具有正向影响,森林食品价值链的结构完整性和产业集聚对产出效率和市场竞争力提升具有显著影响,其中价值链完整性与产出正相关,价值链集聚程度与产出负相关,价值链投入与结构完整性和集聚程度正相关.
⑴Background——Since the"13th Five-Year Plan"proposed a total ban on commercial logging of natural forests,the forestry industry has actively promoted supply-side structural reforms aimed at adapting to the new nor-mal of economic development,and vigorously developed emerging forestry industries represented by the forest food industry.At present,China's forest food has become the third largest agricultural products after grains and vegeta-bles.The forest food market has a huge development space with the improvement of consumers'health awareness and the increasing demand for natural products.It is of great practical significance to discuss the key links and sus-tainable development strategies of forest food value chain. ⑵Methods——The research objects of this paper are China Jilin Forest Industry Group Co.,LTD,Jilin Changbai Mountain Forest Industry Group Co.,LTD,China Longjiang Forest Industry Group Co.,LTD,Daxing'anling Forestry Group Company and Heilongjiang Yichun Forest Industry Group Co.,LTD,whose forest food output accounts for more than 98%of China's state-owned forest areas.Based on the data of five enterprises from 2019 to 2022,partial least squares structural equation model(PLS-SEM)was used to explore the input-out-put relationship and its influencing factors in forest food industry.The model defined input variables as the inde-pendent variables and output variables as the dependent variables to explore the mediating role of integrity and ag-glomeration effects.Empirical analysis was used to reveal the impact of major input factors on the industrial output and to evaluate the mechanism of integrity and agglomeration effects.External variables such as technological inno-vation and policy supports were included in the model to analyze its impact paths on industrial output. ⑶Results——The structural integrity and industrial agglomeration effects of forest food value chain have a significant impact on the output efficiency and market competitiveness.The input and output of forest food value chain are positively correlated,the integrity of forest food value chain is positively correlated with the output of for-est food,while the agglomeration degree of forest food value chain is negatively correlated with the output of forest food.The input of forest food value chain is positively correlated with the structural integrity and the agglomeration degree. ⑷Conclusions and Discussions——Paths selection of sustainable development of forest food value chain:First,increase the input of effective value chain resources,including scientific and technological innovation,hu-man resources training,capital equipment and other aspects of investment.Second,optimize the value chain struc-ture and strengthen the integrity of the value chain.Identify critical links that are more costly,less efficient or more risky,regularly evaluate and improve operational processes,and strengthen upstream and downstream links and collaboration.Third,balance the positive and negative effects of value chain agglomeration and strengthen collabo-rative agglomeration.Promote the agglomeration and collaboration between internal and external enterprises in the industry through policy guidance and regional planning,and guides multiple subjects and multi-party resources to gather in the field of basic research.Fourth,maintain continuous policy support and market optimization,including financial support,the improvement of laws and regulations,the development of innovative technologies and market access regulations.
黑龙江八一农垦大学 经济管理学院,大庆 163319温州商学院 金融贸易学院,温州 325035
sustainable developmentforest food value chaintechnological innovation
《林业经济问题》 2024 (6)