The Impact of the Creation of National Forest Cities on the Competitiveness of Tourism Industry of Prefecture-level Cities
国家森林城市认定政策已实施20 年,鲜有文献评估该政策对获认定地级市旅游产业竞争力的影响效应.结合国家森林城市认定的政策背景,构建国家森林城市创建影响地级市旅游产业竞争力的理论分析框架,利用多期双重差分模型进行实证检验.研究发现:国家森林城市创建可显著促进地级市旅游产业竞争力提升,多维稳健性检验均验证结论稳健;异质性检验表明,针对东部地区、服务业发展程度高、所在省份交通便利化程度高的样本城市,获认定国家森林城市后旅游产业竞争力的提升效应更大;影响机制方面,国家森林城市创建可通过扩大建成区绿化覆盖面积和增加传统村落数量,对地级市旅游产业竞争力产生间接正面效应.
⑴Background——The creation of national forest cities in China has encouraged various regions to strengthen the protection and utilization of natural resources in cities and the construction of various ecological tourism and leisure places such as forest parks.The research on whether the tourism industry of the cities that have been officially bestowed the title of"National Forest City"has stronger market competitiveness can provide practical basis for the judgment of the economic effect of the creation of national forest cities.However,there is little literature to explore the impact of the creation of national forest cities on the tourism industry competitive-ness of the recognized cities. ⑵ Methods——Based on the theoretical analysis of the influence mechanism of the creation of national for-est cities on the competitiveness of urban tourism industry,this paper put forward the research hypotheses.Then,based on the Chinese city database,the entropy weight method was used to evaluate the tourism industry compet-itiveness of China's prefecture-level cities quantitatively.Finally,by constructing the multi-period difference-in-differences model and the mediation effect model,it discussed the impact of the creation of"national forest cit-ies"on the competitiveness of urban tourism industry and its inherent influence mechanism.The research data mainly came from the"China Statistical Yearbooks"and the"China City Statistical Yearbooks",involving a to-tal of 271 cities and covering the period from 2004 to 2020. ⑶ Results——First,after the successful creation of national forest cities,the tourism industry competitive-ness of prefecture-level cities will increase by 1.155 7 units.Second,after the successful creation of national for-est cities,the tourism industry competitiveness of prefecture-level cities in the eastern region will increase by 1.877 2 units,while that in the central and western regions will only increase by 0.725 4 units.The tourism in-dustry competitiveness of cities with higher service industry development level will increase by 1.434 3 units,while that of cities with lower service industry development level will only increase by 0.568 1 units.The tourism industry competitiveness of cities with higher transportation convenience will increase by 1.736 1 units,while that of cities with lower transportation convenience will only increase by 0.649 5 units.Third,the creation of national forest cities will increase the green coverage area of the urban built-up areas by 4.878 6 square kilometers,and every increase of 1 square kilometer will increase the competitiveness of the urban tourism industry by 0.990 8 u-nits.The creation of national forest cities will increase the number of traditional villages by 0.310 5,and each ad-ditional traditional village will increase the competitiveness of the urban tourism industry by 0.929 9 units. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——According to the above research conclusions,the following policy suggestions are put forward:First,strengthen the planning and support of national forest city declaration.Provin-cial and municipal governments should strengthen the top-level design of national forest city declaration.Strength-en support for the cities in forest network,forest health,ecological welfare,ecological culture and organizational management.Second,accelerate the construction of modern service industries and transportation networks related to tourism.Accelerate the development of a public tourism service system with a complete structure,sound stand-ards,smooth operation,high-quality and efficiency.Build a transportation network by relying on high-speed rail-ways,intercity railways,civil aviation and high-grade highways,and create tourism theme routes with multiple functions.
漳州理工职业学院,漳州 363000漳州理工职业学院,漳州 363000漳州理工职业学院,漳州 363000
national forest citiestourism industryindustrial competitivenessmulti-period difference-in-differ-ences model
《林业经济问题》 2024 (6)