The Influence Mechanism of Restorative Environment Perception of Tea Manors Tourists on Value Co-creation Behaviors
基于S-O-R(stimuli-organism-response,即刺激-有机体-反应)理论框架构建关系模型,针对茶庄园464 份游客问卷,使用结构方程模型进行实证检验.结果表明:(1)功能类和情感类恢复性环境感知均能正向影响游客自然联结;(2)功能类和情感类恢复性环境感知均能正向影响游客价值共创行为;(3)自然联结于恢复性环境感知和游客价值共创行为之间发挥中介效应;(4)授权赋能在恢复性环境感知和游客价值共创行为之间起负向调节作用.据此,提出了影响茶庄园游客价值共创行为的新认知视角,并对促进茶旅融合新业态、新消费、新价值的发展提出有益的管理启示.
⑴Background——Tea manors tourism is a new model of sustainable development in the tourism industry,an important means of transformation and upgrading of tourism industry,and an important way of high-quality de-velopment of rural tourism.In the context of the rapid development of tourism,the concept of"value co-creation"has gradually become the leading concept of tourism.Tourists are no longer just the recipients of tourism serv-ices,but also the co-creators of tourism value.Although tourists'restorative environmental perception is of great significance to the development of tea manors tourism,the research on the influence mechanism of restorative en-vironmental perception of tea manors tourists on value co-creation behaviors is still lacking. ⑵ Methods——This paper proposed the research hypotheses based on the theoretical framework of Stimuli-Organism-Response(S-O-R).The research data came from the questionnaire survey of tea manors tourists in Anxi County,Fujian Province,and a total of 464 valid questionnaires were obtained.The value co-creation be-haviors was selected as the dependent variable,restorative environmental perception of tea manors tourists as the independent variable,natural connection as the mediating variable,and empowerment as the moderating varia-ble.The Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)was used to empirically analyze and test the mechanism of restora-tive environmental perception of the tea manors tourists affecting their value co-creation behaviors. ⑶Results——First,both functional and emotional restorative environment perception can positively affect the tourists'natural connection,that is,when the restorative environment perception of the tea manors tourists increases,the degree of their emotional connection with nature will be greater.Second,both functional and emo-tional restorative environment perception can positively affect the value co-creation behaviors of the tea manors tourists,that is,the restorative environment perception of the tea manors tourists can stimulate their subsequent positive behaviors.Third,natural connection plays a mediating effect between the restorative environmental per-ception and value co-creation behaviors of the tea manors tourists,that is,improving the tourists'natural con-nection can partially promote their restorative environmental perception and further produce value co-creation be-haviors.Fourth,empowerment has a negative moderating effect between the restorative environment perception and value co-creation behaviors,that is,it weakens the promoting effect of the restorative environment perception of the tea manors tourists on their value co-creation behaviors. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——This paper puts forward the following policy suggestions:First,es-tablish the overall consciousness and comprehensively improve the restorative environmental perception.Visitors immersed in the restorative properties of nature will generate emotional connections and further promote their sub-sequent value co-creation behaviors.Second,carry out emotional marketing and play the positive role of natural connection.Third,establish a co-creation platform to stimulate the value co-creation behaviors of tourists.Strengthen the response to on-site services,improve the construction of on-site services platform,and promote the formation of the value co-creation relationship between tea manors enterprises and tourists.Fourth,pay attention to the shaping of quality and reduce the degree of empowerment.Implement the differentiated brands marketing strategy and standardization construction,and make each tea manor has its own characteristics on the basis of in-creasingly perfect hardware facilities.
福建农林大学 安溪茶学院,泉州 362406||福建省茶产业发展研究中心,泉州 362406福建农林大学 安溪茶学院,泉州 362406||福建省茶产业发展研究中心,泉州 362406福建农林大学 安溪茶学院,泉州 362406||福建省茶产业发展研究中心,泉州 362406
tea manorsrestorative environmental perceptionvalue co-creation behaviorsnatural connectionem-powerment
《林业经济问题》 2024 (6)