

The Mechanism of Crisis Management Affecting the Organizational Resilience of Forestry Enterprises


构建"危机管理—双元学习—数字氛围—组织韧性"理论模型,对 270 份林业企业的问卷调查数据进行实证检验,探究危机管理影响组织韧性的作用机理.结果表明:危机管理对林业企业组织韧性具有显著正向影响,双元学习在危机管理和组织韧性关系间发挥部分中介作用,数字氛围强化双元学习与组织韧性之间的调节作用;连续有效的危机管理是提升组织韧性的前提,双元学习是提升组织韧性的重要环节,要加强数字赋能,积极营造浓厚的数字氛围.

⑴Background——The crisis of the VUCA(Volatile,Uncertain,Complex,Ambiguous)era has become a normal existence,which poses a great challenge to the survival and development of forestry enterprises.Organiza-tional resilience is the key to help forestry enterprises turn the corner,and it is of great significance to the health and sustainable development of forestry enterprises.The process of crisis management is also a process in which organizational resilience plays a role and is continuously improved,but the specific mechanism of crisis manage-ment affecting organizational resilience remains to be deeply explored.At the same time,few studies have ex-plored the specific role of dual learning and digital engagement in the process of crisis management promoting or-ganizational resilience. ⑵ Methods——On the basis of theoretical analysis,this paper put forward the research hypothesis,and constructed the theoretical model of"crisis management-dual learning-digital engagement-organizational re-silience".The research data came from the online questionnaire survey conducted by the research group on the middle and senior managers of the forestry enterprises in October 2022,and a total of 270 valid questionnaires were obtained.Organizational resilience was selected as the explained variable,crisis management as the explan-atory variable,dual learning as the mediating variable,digital engagement as the moderating variable,and the age,region,scale and annual profit of the forestry enterprises as the control variables to explore the mechanism of the impact of crisis management on organizational resilience of the forestry enterprises. ⑶Results——After the reliability and validity test of the questionnaires and the multicollinearity and en-dogeneity test of the independent variables,the empirical analysis shows that crisis management has a significant positive impact on the organizational resilience of the forestry enterprises through the dual functions of crisis warn-ings and crisis responses.Dual learning,which combines exploitative learning and explorative learning,plays a partial mediating role between crisis management and organizational resilience of the forestry enterprises.The dig-ital atmosphere has a moderating effect on the relationship between dual learning and organizational resilience of the forestry enterprises. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Based on the above research conclusions,the following policy sug-gestions are put forward:First,continuous and effective crisis management is the primary prerequisite for impro-ving organizational resilience.Establish a comprehensive crisis early warning system by relying on digital technol-ogy,identify the key vulnerability points and uncertain risks of the forestry enterprises,and establish a standard-ized and scientific crisis command system to improve crisis response efficiency and reduce losses.Second,dual learning is an important link to improve organizational resilience.Pay attention to the construction of a perfect cri-sis learning system and an exploratory and forward-looking crisis learning culture.Third,strengthen digital em-powerment and digital engagement.Build forestry big data with the help of digital technology,reflect on the ways that the forestry enterprises respond to the crisis by using big data analysis,and accelerate the decision making and drive the digital transformation of the forestry enterprises by rethinking the data strategies.


福建农林大学乡村振兴学院,福州 350002福建农林大学经济与管理学院,福州 350002



forestry enterprisescrisis managementdual learningdigital engagementorganizational resilience

《林业经济问题》 2024 (6)



