

Analysis on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Detection for Scale Layer of Equalizing Electrode on Valve Section


目前换流站中均压电极垢层厚度检测采用输电系统停运加人工拆卸的方式,存在较大的时间、人力成本以及结垢均压电极筛选的盲目性问题,亟需一种非拆卸式均压电极垢层在线检测方式.超声导波具有检测效率高、能量衰减度小等优点,因此基于超声导波提出了一种非拆卸式的均压电极垢层厚度在线检测方法,并结合仿真及实验分析验证了其有效性.首先通过绘制聚偏二氟乙烯(polyvinylidene fluoride,PVDF)充水管道的频散曲线确定了超声导波大致激励频率范围为40~100 kHz,并采用纵向L(0,2)模态;然后进一步建立PVDF充水管道轴向纵截面有限元模型,通过计算确定了最佳激励频率为60 kHz,并基于此模型分析了垢层厚度与接收信号幅值和时间上的变化规律,同时通过搭建实验平台对超声导波检测均压电极方法进行了验证.研究结果表明,采用纵向L(0,2)超声导波检测均压电极垢层具有模态数量少、频散弱等优势,且对不同垢层厚度的均压电极具有较好区分能力,为均压电极垢层无损检测提供了一定应用基础.

At present,the detection of the thickness of the scale layer on the equalizing electrode in the converter station is carried out by shutting down the transmission system and manually disassembling,which has significant time,labor costs,and blind screening of the equalizing electrodes with the scale layer.There is an urgent need for a non disassembly online detection method for the scale layer on the equalizing electrode.Ultrasonic guided waves have the advantages of high detection efficiency and low energy attenua-tion.Therefore,based on ultrasonic guided waves,a non disassembly online detection method for the thickness of the scale layer on the equalizing electrode is proposed,and its effectiveness is verified through the simulation and experimental analysis.Firstly,by drawing the dispersion curve of polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF)filled water pipeline,the approximate excitation frequency range of ultrasonic guided waves is determined to be 40~100 kHz,and the longitudinal L(0,2)mode is also determined.Then,a finite element model of the axial longitudinal section of the PVDF water filled pipeline is further established,and the optimal excitation frequency is determined to be 60 kHz through calculation.Based on this model,the variation patterns of scale layer thickness and received signal amplitude and time are analyzed.At the same time,an experimental platform is built to verify the ultrasonic guided wave detection method of the equalization electrode.The research results indicate that using longitudinal L(0,2)ultrasonic guided waves to detect the scale layer on the equalizing electrode has advantages such as fewer modes and weaker frequency dispersion,and has good discrimination ability for the equalizing electrode with different thickness of scale layers.This method provides a certain application basis for non-destructive testing of the scale layer on the equalizing electrodes.


国网湖南省电力公司电力科学研究院,长沙 410007湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,长沙 410082湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,长沙 410082||重庆大学电气工程学院,重庆 400044湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,长沙 410082湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,长沙 410082



valve cooling systemdispersion curveultrasonic guided waveequalizing electrodeultrasonic time-domain analysis

《南方电网技术》 2024 (11)


国家自然科学青年基金资助项目(52007013)国网湖南省电力有限公司科技项目(5216A521N006). Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars(52007013)the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co.,Ltd.(5216A521N006).

