

A summary and reflection on the six events of flash flood disasters in 2022 from an emergency management perspective


[目的]近年来,全球气候变暖导致极端降水强度不断加剧,引发的山洪灾害严重威胁人类生存与发展.为提高防灾减灾救灾应急处置能力,从历史典型山洪事件中深入理解灾害发生的原因,总结并吸取经验教训,发现灾害应对过程中的问题短板.[方法]以 2022 年发生在黑龙江、四川、山西、青海等地的6 起山洪灾害为例,综合运用灾害现场调查、灾情统计、归因分析和分类梳理等方法,从灾害成因和应急防范视角出发,客观复盘灾害发生应对全过程.系统分析对比了6 起灾害事件所呈现的共性规律与差异特征,厘清监测预警、响应联动等应对防范过程中暴露出的问题和不足,并提出了对策建议.[结果]对比发现:有5 起灾害事件是因短历时强降雨诱发山洪成灾,且均发生在我国夜雨现象频发高发地区,增加了山洪灾害的危险性和应急救援难度;有3 起山洪灾害事件发生在我国西部高山峡谷区,属于山洪灾害重点防范区域;有 4 起事件因人类活动区域叠加险情精准感知、临灾及时预警能力不足,加剧了山洪受灾的严重程度.[结论]结果表明:2022 年发生的 6 起典型山洪灾害具有短时强降雨、洪水迅猛、威胁严重等特点.尽管我国已采取一系列治理措施且取得了长足进展,但在应对突发性山洪灾害防范过程中尚有提升空间.建议坚持"以防为主"的山洪灾害防治策略,探索人员转移避险的险情精准监测和临灾及时预警技术研究,吸取历次山洪灾害复盘分析的经验教训,不断提升我国基层应对山洪灾害的综合能力.

[Objective]In recent years,global warming has led to the exacerbation of precipitation extremes,[Results]ing in se-vere threats from flash floods,which pose serious risks to human survival.The motivation of this study focuses on improving dis-aster emergency response abilities,better understanding the causes of historical events,and summing up the weaknesses,experi-ences,and lessons.[Methods]A combination of field surveys,classified statistics,and attribution analysis were used in the flash flood reflection of six disasters that occurred in Heilongjiang,Sichuan,Shanxi,and Qinghai provinces in 2022.This study reviewed the various stages of disaster evolution concerning key factors,environment,socio-economic activity,and response measures from an emergency management viewpoint.The common rules and differences of the six disaster events were systemati-cally analyzed,and the whole process of flash flooding and disaster response was compared and replayed.Meanwhile,in view of the shortcomings exposed in the early warning,response coupling,and suggestions have been proposed.[Results]The result demonstrated that five disasters were caused by short-duration extremes,and all of them occurred in the areas of precipitation at night,which increased the risk of flash floods and the difficulty of rescue.Three disasters occurred in the mountains and valleys of western China,which are key prevention areas for flash flood disaster.In four cases,flash floods were exacerbated by human activities extending into areas with inefficient risk detection and early warning.[Conclusion]The six typical disasters of flash floods in 2022 have the similarity of heavy rainfall intensity,short duration,high flood peak,and severe losses.Although a series of measures have been taken at the national level and great effects have been achieved,there are still challenges in the future process of disaster prevention for flash floods.It is suggested to adhere to the prevention first strategy of flash flood control,ex-plore monitoring and early warning research on personnel transfer and evacuation,learn the lessons from event reflection,and constantly improve the comprehensive ability of the primary level to deal with flood disasters in China.


应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院,北京 100085||复合链生自然灾害动力学应急管理部重点实验室,北京 100085应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院,北京 100085||复合链生自然灾害动力学应急管理部重点实验室,北京 100085||中国科学院大学,北京 100049应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院,北京 100085||复合链生自然灾害动力学应急管理部重点实验室,北京 100085应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院,北京 100085||复合链生自然灾害动力学应急管理部重点实验室,北京 100085||中国科学院大学,北京 100049应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院,北京 100085||复合链生自然灾害动力学应急管理部重点实验室,北京 100085



summary and reflectionrainstorm flash floodcause analysisemergency responsemonitoring and early warningclimate changerainfallflash flood disaster

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (11)



