

Research of sectional flow monitoring based on satellite remote sensing and tower video


[目的]为了实现对西江流域典型断面河流流量的长时序、高频次监测,有效支撑洪涝预警及水资源管理的需求[方法]联合无人机遥感和智能无人船等手段获取断面水面以上和水面以下的高程数据,构建高精度的三维数字河道模型.利用光学和雷达等多源卫星影像提取河流的水面宽度,并采用融合塔基视频和深度学习模型的算法识别河流水位及表面流速,从而实现对河道流量的快速监测.[结果]结果表明:联合塔基视频和三维数字河道模型获取的河流水面宽度与卫星遥感影像监测结果具有较好的一致性,误差在1~2 个像元之间(即 10~20 m).受气候和岸边植被的影响,当河流水面宽度较大时,两种结果间的误差也会随之增加.河流表面流速与水下地形存在密切的联系,当河流较深时,河流表面不同位置处流速也会有较大幅度的变化;与利用声学多普勒流速剖面仪水文测验的流量数据相比,利用视频和遥感手段获取的流量结果基本一致,误差整体控制在 2%以内.[结论]通过联合卫星遥感和塔基视频对西江流域典型断面的流量进行监测并开展准确性评估,为西江流域不同情景下的流量监测和洪涝预警提供数据支撑和技术保障.

[Objective]In order to obtain long-term,high-frequency of typical section river flow in the Xijiang River Basin,effec-tively supporting the needs of flood warning and water resources management.[Methods]Unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing and intelligent unmanned boats are integrated to acquire elevation data above and below the water surface of cross sections,con-structing the high-precision three-dimensional digital river channel model.Furthermore,the width of the river width are extracted based on optical and radar satellite images,and an innovative algorithm is developed to identify the river water level and surface flow velocity by combining tower videos and deep learning models,thereby achieving rapid monitoring of river flow.[Results]The result indicate that the water surface width,obtained through integrating tower video and the three-dimensional digital river channel model.shows good consistency with the monitoring result from satellite remote sensing images,with errors ranging be-tween 1~2 pixels(10~20 m).Due to the influence of climate and riparian vegetation,the error will increase with the increasing of the water surface width to a certain extent..The surface flow velocity of the river is closely related to the underwater topogra-phy.When the river is deep,the surface flow velocity will also undergo significant changes.Compared to flow data obtained through hydrological tests using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers,the video and remote sensing technology-based flow result are generally consistent,with errors controlled within 2%.[Conclusion]The innovative technology is developed to monitor the flow of typical sections by integration of satellite remote sensing and tower video method and conduct accuracy assessments,providing data support and technical assurance for flow monitoring and flood warning in different scenarios in the Xijiang River Basin.


广东省生态环境监测中心,广东 广州 510308生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094广东省生态环境监测中心,广东 广州 510308中国地质大学(北京)信息工程学院,北京 100083广东省生态环境监测中心,广东 广州 510308



satellite remote sensingvideo flow measurementunmanned aerial vehicleriver flow calculationaccuracy analy-sisrunoffwater resources

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (11)



