Comparative study on assessment methods for township disaster reduction capacity
[目的]减灾能力是减灾主体在某层面上用于防灾、抗灾、救灾全过程各方面能力共同作用所形成的总合力.为准确评价并客观反映区域减灾能力大小与不足.[方法]以北京市延庆区"第一次全国自然灾害综合风险普查"基础调查数据为例,分别采用TOPSIS法、RSR法和构造的(T+R)法对该区18 个乡镇的减灾能力进行定量化评估,对应得出各乡镇减灾能力Ci 值、RSRW 值和(T+R)μ值,基于实例数据评估结果与计算过程,从评估数值大小、等级排名、整体趋势等方面进行对比分析.[结果]结果显示:18 个乡镇中,TOPSIS与RSR法减灾能力排名差距大于 3 档的有 4 个乡镇,TOPSIS与(T+R)法减灾能力排名差距大于3 档的有 2 个乡镇,RSR与(T+R)法减灾能力排名差距大于3 档的有2 个乡镇.同时,(T+R)法评估结果平均值为 0.406、极值差为 0.375、标准差为 0.119,均处于TOPSIS和RSR法中间.三种模型均适用于区域减灾能力定量化评估,可根据区域评估目的和要求进行选择.总体上,RSR法信息损失最大、优劣分档最佳,受异常值干扰最小;TOPSIS法信息损失最小、优劣分档最差,受异常值干扰最大;构造的(T+R)法既克服了RSR法源数据的信息损失,又能对TOPSIS法的优劣分档进行优化,同时有效降低了异常值干扰.[结论]结果表明:将RSR法应用于减灾能力定量化评估可行,因(T+R)法在信息损失、优劣分档、抗异常值干扰等方面的优势明显,是三者中的最佳选择,且可适用于省、市、县、乡、家庭,甚至流域等其他尺度的评估.对(T+R)法的深入研究可为减灾能力定量化评估提供思路和参考.
[Objective]Disaster reduction capacity is the total force formed by the joint action of various capacities of disaster re-duction subjects in the whole process of disaster prevention,resistance and relief at some level.In order to accurately evaluate and objective ly reflect the size and deficiency of regional disaster reduction capacity,[Methods]the TOPSIS method,RSR method and constructed(T+R)method are used to quantitatively evaluate the disaster reduction capacity of 18 townships in the district based on the basic survey data of"The First National Comprehensive Risk Survey of Natural Disasters"in Yanqing Dis-trict of Beijing,the Ci value,RSRW value and(T+R)μ value of the disaster reduction capacity of each township are obtained,based on the evaluation result and calculation process of the case data,the evaluation value size,ranking and overall trend are compared and analyzed.[Results]The result show that:Among the 18 townships,4 townships have a ranking gap of more than 3 grades between TOPSIS and RSR,2 townships have a ranking gap of more than 3 grades between TOPSIS and(T+R),and 2 townships have a ranking gap of more than 3 grades between RSR and(T+R).At the same time,the mean value of the evalua-tion result of(T+R)method is 0.406,the extreme difference is 0.375,and the standard deviation is 0.119,which are all in the middle of TOPSIS and RSR method.All three models are suitable for quantitative assessment of regional disaster reduction capac-ity and can be selected according to the purpose and requirements of regional assessment.In general,RSR method has the largest information loss,the best classification of advantages and disadvantages,and the least disturbance by outliers;TOPSIS method has the least loss of information,the worst classification of advantages and disadvantages,and the most interference by outliers;The constructed(T+R)method not only overcomes the information loss of source data of RSR method,but also optimizes the classification of TOPSIS method,and effectively reduces the outlier interference.[Conclusion]The conclusion show that:It is feasible to apply RSR method to quantitative assessment of disaster reduction capacity,because(T+R)method has obvious ad-vantages in information loss,classification of advantages and disadvantages,and resistance to outlier interference,etc.,it is the best choice among the three,and can be applied to the assessment of other scales such as province,city,county,township,household and even watershed.The in-depth study of(T+R)method can provide ideas and references for quantitative assessment of disaster reduction capacity.
首都师范大学 资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100048||华北科技学院 建筑工程学院,河北 三河 065201国信司南(北京)地理信息技术有限公司,北京 100142国信司南(北京)地理信息技术有限公司,北京 100142首都师范大学 资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100048
assessment of township disaster reduction capacityTOPSIS modelRSR model(T+R)modelinformation lossclassification of advantages and disadvantagesoutlier interferenceinfluencing factors
《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (11)