Variation characteristics and source analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus in shallow groundwater in a typical agricultural area of the Hetao Irrigation District
[目的]内蒙古河套灌区是我国重要的粮食生产基地,区域内浅层地下水存在不同程度的污染,农业面源污染对其有重要的影响,为有效提升区域水环境质量,及时准确把握区域浅层地下水污染状况和变化趋势至关重要.[方法]以内蒙古五原县典型农业区浅层地下水为研究对象,通过对整个灌溉期浅层地下水水质和水化学特征进行调查,采用主成分分析法、相关性分析法、Piper图解法等方法对水质和水化学数据进行系统分析,分析区域地下水形成机制,阐明不同灌溉期浅层地下水水质变化趋势和氮磷的形态特征,探究影响区域浅层地下水污染的主要影响因子.[结果]研究区浅层地下水整体呈中性—弱碱性,属微咸水;水中阳离子和阴离子优势离子分别为Na+和HCO3-,地下水水化学类型为HCO3-Na型水,地下水组分受蒸发浓缩作用影响较大.浅层地下水总氮、总磷平均浓度分别为3.24 mg/L和0.11 mg/L,高于沟渠地表水氮磷浓度.总氮中无机氮平均占比 76.6%,其中硝态氮平均占比69.4%,总磷中无机磷和有机磷平均占比分别为 28.9%和 71.1%;氮磷浓度峰值出现在春灌前,春灌和秋浇后地下水氮磷浓度呈下降趋势,夏灌后氮磷浓度呈先增加后降低趋势.[结论]河套灌区浅层地下水氮磷变化呈明显季节性变化,总氮浓度较高,总磷浓度相对较低.总氮来源受单独人类活动影响大,总磷则受人类活动和矿物溶解的共同影响.
[Objective]Hetao Irrigation Area is an important grain production base in China.The shallow groundwater in the area has decreased in recent years,and the agricultural non-point source pollution might be the main influencing factor.In order to effectively improve the regional water environment quality,it is of great significance to accurately grasp the pollution status and changing trends of shallow groundwater.[Methods]Atypical agricultural area in the Wuyuan County of Bayannur City was select-ed as the study area,and the characteristics and sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in shallow groundwater in the study area were systematically studied by analyzing the morphological features and hydration group classification of shallow groundwater.[Results]The shallow groundwater in the study area is neutral to weakly alkaline,and belongs to the brackish water.The domi-nant cationic and anionic ions in water are Na+and HCO3-,respectively.The chemical type of groundwater water is HCO3-Na,and the composition of groundwater is greatly influenced by evaporation and concentration.The average concentrations of TN and TP in shallow groundwater were 3.24 mg/L and 0.11 mg/L,respectively,which are higher than those in surface water in dit-ches.The average proportion of inorganic nitrogen in total nitrogen was 76.6%,the average proportion of nitrate nitrogen was 69.4%,and the average proportion of inorganic phosphorus and organic phosphorus in total phosphorus was 28.9%and 71.1%,respectively.The peak value of nitrogen and phosphorus concentration occurred before spring irrigation,and the groundwater ni-trogen and phosphorus concentration showed a downward trend after spring irrigation and autumn irrigation,and increased first and then decreased after summer irrigation.[Conclusion]The variability of nitrogen and phosphorus in shallow groundwater in the Hetao irrigation area shows clear seasonal variability,with high concentrations of total nitrogen in the water and relatively low concentrations of total phosphorus.The source of TN is influenced by human activity alone,while the source of TP is affected by both human activities and mineral dissolution.
沈阳化工大学 环境与安全工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110142||中国环境科学研究院 湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室,北京 100012||中国环境科学研究院 国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室,北京 100012中国环境科学研究院 湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室,北京 100012||中国环境科学研究院 国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室,北京 100012中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院,北京 100083中国环境科学研究院 湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室,北京 100012||中国环境科学研究院 国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室,北京 100012沈阳化工大学 环境与安全工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110142中国环境科学研究院 湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室,北京 100012||中国环境科学研究院 国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室,北京 100012中国环境科学研究院 湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室,北京 100012||中国环境科学研究院 国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室,北京 100012
groundwaternitrogen and phosphorushydrochemical componentswater qualitypollution characteristicsprinci-ple component analysissource analysisHetao Irrigation Area
《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (11)