Spatiotemporal evolution and trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services in the karst region of southeast Yunnan
[目的]滇东南喀斯特地区是我国重要的生态功能区.然而,随着城镇化进程的加快,生态环境遭受了严重破坏,导致生态服务功能普遍下降.[方法]基于 2000-2020 年土地利用、气象、土壤、社会经济等多源数据,采用PLUS模型模拟了 2035 年自然发展情景、生态保护情景和经济发展情景三种情景下的土地利用变化空间格局,并结合InVEST模型评估了产水量、碳储量、土壤保持和生境质量等四种生态系统服务,在此基础上利用Spearman相关系数探究生态系统服务之间的时空权衡协同关系.[结果](1)2000-2020 年,建设用地和水域面积显著增加,分别增加了 484.21 km2、154.40 km2;而林地、耕地、未利用地和草地面积则减少,分别下降了 438.63 km2、89.86 km2、99.47 km2、10.65 km2.2020-2035 年,生态保护情景下,建设用地、水域、林地面积呈小幅扩张,草地、耕地和未利用地则呈缩减趋势;自然发展情景下,建设用地增加明显,耕地和草地则减少;经济发展情景下,建设用地大量增加,耕地、林地、草地则大量减少;(2)2000-2020 年,研究区生态系统服务变化存在显著差异.产水量呈东南高西北低的空间分布,随时间"先增加后降低";碳储量变化幅度较小,研究期间碳储量下降区域散落分布在研究区的中部、南部和北部地区;土壤保持呈现南高北低的空间分布特征,随时间变化,西部存在大面积碳储量下降,东部地区存在大面积碳储量增加;生境质量以带状集中分布在研究区的中部和南部,20 a间整体上呈现东西部大面积下降的变化趋势.至2035 年,在生态保护情景下,产水量、碳储量、土壤保持和生境质量明显提升,显示出生态保护对于改善地区生态环境的重要性.自然发展和经济发展情景下,高值区域面积显著减少,表明生态系统服务功能受到较大的压力和影响.(3)2000-2020 年,土壤保持-产水量的相关性最强,指数高于0.8;产水量-碳储量之间的相关性最弱,且呈下降趋势.碳储量-产水量相关系数最低,土壤保持-产水量相关性系数最高.2020-2035 年,各发展情景下生态系统服务之间均呈协同关系.[结论]结果表明:滇东南喀斯特地区生态系统服务变化受土地利用结构调整影响明显,其变化趋势和权衡协同关系亦存在空间差异,可为喀斯特地貌区生态保护提供重要的技术支撑和理论参考.
[Objective]The karst region in southeastern Yunnan is a crucial ecological functional area in China.However,with the rapid progress of urbanization,the ecological environment has been severely damaged,leading to a general decline in ecosys-tem service functions.[Methods]Based on multi-source data including land use,meteorology,soil,and socio-economics from 2000 to 2020,the PLUS model was used to simulate the spatial pattern of land use changes under three scenarios by 2035:natu-ral development,ecological protection,and economic development.In conjunction with the InVEST model,four ecosystem serv-ices—water yield,carbon storage,soil retention,and habitat quality—were assessed.Spearmans correlation coefficient was then employed to explore the spatiotemporal trade-offs and synergies between ecosystem services.[Results]From 2000 to 2020,the areas of construction land and water bodies increased significantly,by 484.21 km2 and 154.40 km2 respectively,while the areas of forest land,cultivated land,unused land,and grassland decreased by 438.63 km2,89.86 km2,99.47 km2,and 10.65 km2 respectively.From 2020 to 2035,under the ecological protection scenario,construction land,water bodies,and forest land areas showed slight expansion,while grassland,cultivated land,and unused land areas showed a shrinking trend.Under the natural development scenario,construction land increased significantly,while cultivated land and grassland decreased.Under the eco-nomic development scenario,construction land increased substantially,while cultivated land,forest land,and grassland de-creased significantly.From 2000 to 2020,there were significant differences in ecosystem service changes across the study area.Water yield exhibited a southeast-high and northwest-low spatial distribution,with a temporal pattern of"initial increase followed by decrease."Carbon storage showed small changes,with declining areas scattered in the central,southern,and northern parts of the study area during the research period.Soil retention displayed a south-high and north-low spatial pattern,with large areas of decrease in carbon storage in the western region and large areas of increase in the eastern region over time.Habitat quality was predominantly distributed in a band across the central and southern parts of the study area,with a general trend of large declines in the east and west over 20 years.By 2035,under the ecological protection scenario,water yield,carbon storage,soil reten-tion,and habitat quality were significantly improved,highlighting the importance of ecological protection in enhancing the region-al ecological environment.Under the natural development and economic development scenarios,the area of high-value regions significantly decreased,indicating substantial pressure and impact on ecosystem service functions.From 2000 to 2020,the corre-lation between soil retention and water yield was the strongest,with an index above 0.8,while the correlation between water yield and carbon storage was the weakest and showed a declining trend.The correlation coefficient between carbon storage and water yield was the lowest,and the correlation coefficient between soil retention and water yield was the highest.From 2020 to 2035,under various development scenarios,ecosystem services generally exhibited synergistic relationships.[Conclusion]The result show that the changes in ecosystem services in the karst region of southeastern Yunnan are significantly influenced by adjustments in land use structure,with spatial differences in their changing trends and trade-off/synergy relationships.The study provides im-portant technical support and theoretical reference for ecological protection in karst landform areas.
皖西学院 电子与信息工程学院,安徽 六安 237000||昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院,云南 昆明 650093||云南云金地科技有限公司,云南 昆明 650102昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院,云南 昆明 650093昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院,云南 昆明 650093||云南云金地科技有限公司,云南 昆明 650102皖西学院 电子与信息工程学院,安徽 六安 237000云南云金地科技有限公司,云南 昆明 650102
InVEST modelPLUS modelecosystem servicestrade-offs and synergieskarst area of southeast Yunnaninflu-encing factors
《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (11)