

Analysis of reasonable width of water-proof coal pillars


为确保相邻采空区积水情况下综放工作面的安全开采,以崔家沟煤矿 2305 工作面与2303 采空区间的防隔水煤柱为背景,采用物理力学参数试验分析水对煤体的影响;利用极限平衡理论确定巷道侧塑性区宽度、引入软化模量分析确定积水采空区侧塑性区宽度、将威尔逊煤柱承载理论与Bieniawski强度公式结合确定弹性核区宽度;通过FLAC3D模拟了煤柱在22~32 m情况下的塑性区与应力分布情况;应用钻孔应力计和钻孔窥视仪监测了巷道侧煤柱的应力及破坏情况.结果表明:水对煤体强度影响较大,黏聚力和内摩擦角降低了14%、抗压强度和抗拉强度降低了 20%、弹性模量降低了 43%;巷道侧塑性区为 2.74 m、积水采空区侧塑性区宽度在5.01~6.60 m、弹性核区宽度在17.10~17.48 m,防隔水煤柱最小留设宽度为26.44 m;当煤柱宽度大于28m时,煤柱两侧塑性区不再出现变化,此时采空区侧塑性区宽度为6.00 m、巷道侧塑性区宽度为2.00 m,现场监测巷道侧煤柱的塑性区宽度为2.4 m,验证了理论分析的合理性.

In order to ensure the safe mining of fully mechanized caving face under the condition of wa-ter accumulation in adjacent goaf,the water-proof coal pillars between 2305 working face and 2303 goaf in Cuijiagou Coal Mine were studied as the background.The influence of water on coal body was ana-lyzed by physical and mechanical parameter test.The limit equilibrium theory is used to determine the width of the plastic zone on the side of the roadway,the softening modulus analysis is introduced to de-termine the width of the plastic zone on the side of the water accumulation goaf,and the Wilson coal pillar bearing theory was combined with the Bieniawski strength formula to determine the width of the elastic core zone;the plastic zone and stress distribution of coal pillars in 22~32 m were simulated by FLAC3D.The borehole stress meter and borehole peeper were used to monitor the stress and failure of the side coal pillar of the roadway.The results show that water has a great influence on the strength of coal,reducing cohesion and internal friction angle by 14%,compressive strength and tensile strength by 20%,and elastic modulus by 43%.The plastic zone on the side of the roadway is 2.74 m,the width of the plastic zone on the side of the goaf is5.01~6.60 m,the width of the elastic core area is17.10~17.48 m,and the minimum width of the waterproof coal pillar is 26.44 m.When the width of the coal pillar is greater than 28 m,the plastic zone on both sides of the coal pillar no longer changes.At this time,the width of the plastic zone on the side of the goaf is 6.00 m,and the width of the plastic zone on the side of the roadway is 2.00 m.The width of the plastic zone of the coal pillar on the side of the roadway is 2.4 m,which verifies the rationality of the theoretical analysis.


西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710054



goaf waterwaterproof coal pillarWilson coal pillar bearing theorynumerical simulationreserved width

《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (6)



