Stress evolution law and sectional control technology of surrounding rock in heading for adjacent advancing working face
为了掌握迎采动掘进巷道围岩应力演化规律,确定合理的支护方式,提升巷道支护效果,以某矿综采工作面相邻运输巷为工程背景,采用理论分析、数值模拟和工业性试验等方法,系统分析了缓慢变形阶段、超前采动影响阶段、剧烈影响阶段、结构调整阶段及变形稳定阶段影响时围岩变形特征,提出了巷道围岩分段控制技术.结果表明:回采工作面与相邻掘进工作面相遇前50m以外,巷道受掘进扰动影响,两工作面相遇前50~20 m,巷道受采动影响逐渐增大;两工作面相遇前20m至相遇后10 m,巷道受采动影响大,围岩变形剧烈,应加强应力剧烈调整过程中巷道支护;相遇后10~50 m,窄煤柱帮变形剧烈;相遇后50~100 m,掘进工作面逐渐远离回采工作面,巷道受采动影响逐渐减小.两工作面相遇前后100 m范围是巷道围岩控制的关键区域,采用高强度锚杆+锚索联合支护,巷道围岩控制效果良好.
In order to grasp the stress evolution law of surrounding rock of heading for adjacent advan-cing roadway,determine reasonable support method and improve support effect of the roadway,taking the adjacent transportation roadway of fully mechanized mining face in a mine as engineering back-ground,the deformation characteristics of surrounding rock in slow deformation stage,influence stage of advanced mining,severe influence stage,structural adjustment stage and deformation stability stage were analyzed by means of theoretical analysis,numerical simulation and industrial test,and the tech-nology of surrounding rock subsection control is put forward.The results show that:The roadway is af-fected by the excavation disturbance more than 50 m before the meeting between mining face and adja-cent excavation face.In the 50~20 m before the two working faces meet,the roadway is gradually af-fected by mining.From 20 m before the two working faces meet to 10 m after the two working faces meet,the roadway is greatly affected by mining,the surrounding rock is deformed violently,so the road-way support should be strengthened in the process of severe stress adjustment;10~50 m after the en-counter,the narrow coal pillar is deformed violently;50~100 m after the meeting,the excavation face is gradually far away from the mining face,and the influence of the roadway is gradually reduced.The 100 m range before and after the meeting of the two working faces is the key area for stable control of the surrounding rock in the roadway,the combined support of high strength bolt and anchor cable is a-dopted,and the control effect of roadway surrounding rock is good.
中煤科工生态环境科技有限公司,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 能源学院,陕西 西安 710054陕西能源赵石畔矿业运营有限责任公司,陕西 榆林 719100陕西能源赵石畔矿业运营有限责任公司,陕西 榆林 719100
heading for adjacent advancing working faceroadway driven along next gobstress evolu-tionsectional controlroadway support
《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (6)