

Cumulative damage effect and support optimization of tunnel anchored surrounding rock under coupled dynamic-static loads


周期性掘进爆破致使隧道锚固围岩损伤程度逐步累积,其塑性区扩展甚至失稳,严重威胁隧道后续安全施工与运营.通过建立动静载作用下锚固围岩单元体受力模型,基于杆岩协调变形原理及爆破主频率衰减规律,研究锚固围岩在地应力、孔隙水压力、锚杆支护力等静荷载及掘进爆破动荷载作用下的损伤变形机理,推导了动静载作用下锚固围岩累积损伤后的塑性区及破碎区半径计算式,分析了不同因素作用下锚固围岩变形范围的演化规律.结果表明:动静载作用下隧道锚固围岩变形范围随着孔隙水压力、爆破冲击力、周边炮孔数量、损伤变量的增大而逐步增加,随地质强度指标的增大而减小;西气东输商南4#隧道K85.0~K195.7 段锚固围岩扰动损伤区范围为8m,塑性区及破碎区半径分别为5.08,3.74 m;支护优化方案实施后,隧道拱顶下沉量减少了58%,侧墙相对移近量减少了60%,围岩变形控制效果良好.该研究为隧道安全高效施工提供了可靠保障.

Periodic excavation blasting causes the gradual accumulation of damage to the anchored sur-rounding rock of the tunnel,and its plastic zone expands or even becomes unstable,seriously threaten-ing the subsequent safe construction and operation of the tunnel.By establishing a stress model for the anchored surrounding rock unit under coupled dynamic-static loads,based on the principle of coordina-ted deformation between anchor bolts and rocks and the attenuation law of blasting main frequency,the damage deformation mechanism of the anchored surrounding rock under static loads such as in-situ stress,pore water pressure,anchor bolt support force,and dynamic loads of excavation blasting was studied.The calculation formulas for the plastic zone and broken zone radius of the anchored surround-ing rock after the cumulative damage under coupled dynamic-static loads were derived,and the evolu-tion law of deformation range of anchored surrounding rock under different factors was analyzed.The re-sults show that:The deformation range of tunnel anchored surrounding rock under coupled dynamic-static loads gradually increases with the increase of pore water pressure,blasting impact force,number of surrounding blast holes,and damage variables,and decreases with the increase of geological strength indicators;The range of disturbance damage area for the anchored surrounding rock of K85.0~K195.7 section of shangnan tunnel 4#of the west east gas pipeline is 8 m,with the radii of plastic zone and bro-ken zone are 5.08 m and 3.74 m,respectively;After the implementation of the optimized support scheme,the subsidence of the tunnel roof has decreased by 58%,and the relative displacement of the sidewalls has decreased by 60%.The deformation control effect of the surrounding rock is good.The re-search provides reliable guarantees for the safe and efficient construction of the tunnel.


西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710054中铁北京工程局集团 第一工程有限公司,陕西 西安 710100国家管网集团建设项目管理分公司,河北 廊坊 065000



tunnel excavationanchored surrounding rockcoupled dynamic-static loadscumulative damagesupport optimization

《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (6)



