Application of virtual reality technology in cardiac rehabilitation exercise prescription
Exercise prescription,as one of the five major prescriptions for cardiac rehabilitation and a level Ⅰ recommendation for cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment,can effectively improve the prognosis of cardiovascular disease.Virtual reality technology breaks the location limitation of traditional rehabilitation therapy,and improves patients'compliance and satisfaction with rehabilitation therapy,which can be regarded as a supplement to traditional methods.However,the application of virtual reality technology in exercise prescriptions for cardiac rehabilitation is currently limited,and its effectiveness is not well-established.This paper summarizes the overview of cardiac rehabilitation exercise prescription and virtual reality technology,and analyzes the application effect of virtual reality technology in cardiac rehabilitation exercise prescription.
150076 哈尔滨,哈尔滨医科大学150076 哈尔滨,哈尔滨医科大学150001 哈尔滨,哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院
Cardiac rehabilitationExercise prescriptionVirtual reality technologyCompliance
《心脑血管病防治》 2024 (11)