The use of carbon-based particle electrodes in three-dimensional electrode reactors for wastewater treatment
The use of three-dimensional(3D)electrodes in water treatment is competitive because of their high catalytic effi-ciency,low energy consumption and promising development.The use of particle electrodes is a key research focus in this techno-logy.They are usually in the form of particles that fill the space between the cathode and anode,and the selection of materials used is important.Carbon-based materials are widely used because of their large specific surface area,good adsorption performance,high chemical stability and low cost.The principles of 3D electrode technology are introduced and recent research on its use for degrad-ing organic pollutants using carbon-based particle electrodes is summarized.The classification of particle electrodes is introduced and the challenges for the future development of carbon-based particle electrodes in wastewater treatment are discussed.
太原理工大学材料科学与工程学院新型碳材料研究院,山西晋中 030600太原理工大学材料科学与工程学院新型碳材料研究院,山西晋中 030600太原理工大学先进材料界面科学与工程教育部重点实验室,山西太原 030024||山西浙大先进材料与化学工程学院,山西太原 030000太原理工大学材料科学与工程学院新型碳材料研究院,山西晋中 030600
Environmental pollutionThree-dimensional electrode technologyCarbon-based materialsCarbon-based particle elec-trode
《新型炭材料(中英文)》 2024 (5)
This work was financially supported by Central Leading Science and Technology Development Foundation of Shanxi Province(YDZJSX2022A009),Key R&D Program of Shanxi Province(International Cooperation,201903D421077),R&D Project of Shanxi-Zheda Institute of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering(2022SX-TD004),Natural Sci-ence Foundation of Shanxi Province(20210302124046),and Research Project Supported by Shanxi Scholarship Council of China(2023-f066). 山西省中央重点科技发展基金(YDZJSX2022A009)山西省重点研发计划(国际合作,201903D421077)山西浙大先进材料与化学工程学院研发项目(2022SX-TD004)山西省自然科学基金(20210302124046)山西省留学基金资助研究项目(2023-f066).