

Analysis of Drought Characteristics During Growing Season of Alpine Grasslands in High-altitude Areas of Ili River Valley Based on SPEI


本研究利用伊犁河谷昭苏县气象站点1956-2022年逐月气温、降水数据及牧草生育期数据,通过标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)、回归分析、Mann-Kendall检验等方法,对伊犁河谷高海拔地区牧草生长季(4-8月)干旱变化特征进行了分析.结果表明:1956-2022年昭苏县年平均气温为3.5℃,以0.3℃/10 a的倾向率极显著上升,年降水量为509.3 mm,总体呈现年际差明显,呈不显著的增加趋势.昭苏县牧草全生育期的干旱频率为16.4%,其中重旱发生的概率均为7.5%;返青期、分蘖期、抽穗期、开花期中旱以上的干旱频率分别为13.4%、16.4%、22.3%、22.4%,返青期呈现不显著的干旱化趋势,分蘖期、抽穗期和开花期呈现显著性干旱化趋势.研究结果以期为昭苏县牧草干旱灾害的监测、预警及风险防御提供科学理论依据.

Using monthly temperature and precipitation data from Zhaosu County meteorological station in the Ili River Valley from 1956 to 2022,as well as data on the growth period of grasslands,the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index(SPEI),regression analysis,Mann-Kendall test,and other methods were adopted to analyze the drought variation characteristics during the growing season(April to August)of alpine grasslands in the high-altitude areas of the Ili River Valley.The results showed that the annual average temperature in Zhaosu County from 1956 to 2022 was 3.5℃,with a significant upward trend of 0.3℃/10 years.The annual precipitation was 509.3 mm,showing significant interannual variability but no significant increasing trend.The drought frequency during the entire growth period of grasslands in Zhaosu County was 16.4%,with a probability of severe drought occurrence at 7.5%.The drought frequencies during the greening,tillering,heading,and flowering stages were 13.4%,16.4%,22.3%,and 22.4%respectively.The greening stage showed no significant drought trend,while the tillering,heading,and flowering stages exhibited significant drought trends.The results are expected to provide a scientific theoretical basis for monitoring,early warning,and defense against grassland drought disasters in Zhaosu County.


伊犁州气象局,新疆伊宁 835000||成都信息工程大学大气科学学院,成都 610225宿迁市气象局,江苏 宿迁 223800新疆兴农网信息中心/新疆维吾尔自治区农业气象台,乌鲁木齐 830002伊犁州气象局,新疆伊宁 835000伊宁市气象局,新疆伊宁 835000



Zhaosu CountygrasslanddroughtSPEIhigh-altitude areasdrought frequencydrought changesMann-Kendall Test

《农学学报》 2024 (012)

78-84 / 7

