Composition and structural characteristics of evergreen broadleaved forest in Niumulin,Fujian Province of eastern China
[目的]探究福建省牛姆林自然保护区长期固定监测样地的木本植物组成和结构特征,为深入了解其植被多样性提供重要参考.[方法]以福建省牛姆林自然保护区为研究对象,在保护区内建立 3.04 hm2 长期固定监测样地,调查并鉴定样地内DBH≥1 cm的木本植物,分析该样地物种组成、径阶结构、高度级结构、物种累积曲线、多度累积曲线以及林分结构特征.[结果](1)牛姆林南亚热带常绿阔叶林DBH≥1 cm木本植物共 121 种,隶属于 36 科 64 属,重要值排名前三的物种分别为米槠、马尾松和细枝柃,重要值均小于 0.1,优势种的优势地位不明显.样地中常见种、偶见种和稀有种分别占总物种数的 50.41%、23.97%和 25.62%.(2)当样地数量小于 13 时,物种数随样地数量的增加而急剧增加,其后增加速率下降.(3)牛姆林样地的植物径阶结构与高度级结构相似,均为倒"J"型;优势种米槠和细枝柃的径阶结构为增长型,而优势种马尾松为衰退型.(4)除个体密度,19 个样地的单位面积胸高断面积、单位面积蓄积量和单位面积生物量均不存在显著差异,样地单位面积生物量均值为 270.84 t/hm2.[结论]牛姆林样地的物种组成丰富但优势种不突出,牛姆林属于增长型森林,林分生产力略低于福建省平均水平.随着森林演替发展,未来有较大增长空间.
[Objective]This paper investigates the composition and structural characteristics of woody plants in the permanent monitoring sample plots of Niumulin Nature Reserve,Fujian Province of eastern China,aiming to provide an important reference for deeper understanding of vegetation diversity.[Method]Taking the Niumulin Nature Reserve in Fujian Province as research subject,a 3.04 ha permanent monitoring sample plot was established within the reserve.Woody plants with DBH≥1 cm within the sample plot were surveyed and identified.The species composition,diameter and height class structure,species and abundance accumulation curve,and stand structure characteristics of the sample plots were analyzed.[Result](1)A total of 121 woody plant species with DBH≥1 cm were identified in Niumulin,belonging to 36 families and 64 genera.The top three species by importance value were Castanopsis carlesii,Pinus massoniana,and Eurya loquaiana,all with importance values less than 0.1,the dominance of these species was not significant.Common,occasional,and rare species accounted for 50.41%,23.97%,and 25.62%of the total species,respectively.(2)The relationship between number of sample plots and species richness showed a sharp increase in species with less than 13 sample plots,followed by a decrease in the rate of increase thereafter.(3)The structure of DBH was similar to that of height structure,both following an inverted"J"-shaped pattern.Dominant species like C.carlesii and E.loquaiana showed an increasing type in DBH class structure,while P.massoniana exhibited a declining type.(4)Except for individual density,19 sample plots showed no significant differences in breast height per unit stand area,volume per unit stand area and biomass per unit stand area.The mean biomass per unit stand area of the Niumulin sample plot was 270.84 t/ha.[Conclusion]These results indicate that the Niumulin forest is rich in species,but the dominant species are not prominent and belong to the growth type.The stand productivity is slightly lower than that of the average in Fujian Province.However,with forest succession and development,the stand productivity of this forest will have great growth potential in the future.
福建农林大学林学院,福建农林大学海峡自然保护区研究中心,生态与资源统计福建省高校重点实验室,福建 福州 350002福建牛姆林自然保护区管理处,福建永春 362600
species compositionforest structureDBH class structurebiomassNiumulin
《北京林业大学学报》 2024 (012)
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