

Analysis of influencing factors on formation and penetration capabilities of asymmetric hollow annular shaped charge


为减弱中空环形聚能装药形成的中心侵彻体对后级结构的破坏作用,通过改变环锥罩的偏心距离和壁厚,调整了装药和药型罩的质量分布,使之形成准直环形射流,研究了炸高对环形射流侵彻威力的影响规律.数值模拟结果表明:内壳为铝合金时的中心孔平均侵彻深度较内壳为钢时的平均侵彻深度低 36.13%;非偏心环锥罩形成的射流存在径向偏移,侵彻能力较弱.当环锥罩顶向外侧偏移 0.05d(d为环形装药厚度)时,射流准直性较好,环形射流侵彻深度较大;随着药型罩壁厚的增加,射流头部速度不断减小,当壁厚为 0.045d时,偏心环锥罩形成的环形射流侵彻能力较强;环形射流侵彻深度对炸高较为敏感,在炸高为 1.12d时,环形射流侵彻深度较大.针对非偏心环锥罩和偏心环锥罩两种药型罩结构开展的静破甲试验表明,环形射流侵彻深度和扩孔直径的试验结果与数值模拟结果误差小于 12%,验证了数值模拟模型的可靠性.

The annular shaped charges serve as the precursor of a tandem warhead,prized for its ability to create large diameter perforation in targets.In an effort to enhance the penetration capacity of the annular shaped charge jet and mitigate the impact of the inner casing on subsequent sections induced by a reversed penetrator,a novel approach was taken to implement the investigation.Four different combinations of inner and outer casing materials based on steel and aluminum alloy were explored.It was found that when the inner casing was made of aluminum alloy,the average penetration depth in the rear target was 36.13%lower than that when the inner casing was made of steel.Selecting an inner casing of aluminum alloy and an outer casing of steel,the effects of tip offset,liner thickness,and standoff distance on the formation and penetration characteristics of the annular jet were further investigated.The results show that the jet formed by the non-eccentric liner exhibits radial offset,negatively influencing its penetration capability.However,by offsetting the liner tip to the outer side by 0.05d(where d represents the radial thickness of the annular shaped charge),both the forming and penetration performances of the jet are significantly improved.In addition,as the liner thickness increases,the velocity of the jet tip gradually decreases.Notably,the annular jet formed by an eccentric conical liner with a thickness of 0.045d exhibits superior penetration performance.Furthermore,the standoff distance emerges as a critical factor influencing the penetration capability of the annular jet.Optimal performance is achieved at a standoff distance of 1.12d.Under the same scenario,jet penetration tests were implemented.The difference between the radius of the penetration tunnel from numerical and experimental study lies within 12%.Subsequently,the reliability of the numerical simulation model and the conclusions are verified.


北京理工大学爆炸科学与安全防护全国重点实验室,北京 100081北京理工大学爆炸科学与安全防护全国重点实验室,北京 100081||北京理工大学唐山研究院,河北 唐山 063000北京理工大学爆炸科学与安全防护全国重点实验室,北京 100081北京理工大学爆炸科学与安全防护全国重点实验室,北京 100081北京理工大学爆炸科学与安全防护全国重点实验室,北京 100081||北京理工大学唐山研究院,河北 唐山 063000



annular shaped chargeeccentric linerjet formationjet penetration

《爆炸与冲击》 2025 (1)



