Design of ultra-high performance concrete shield against combined penetration and explosion of warheads
为了准确评估超高性能混凝土(ultra-high performance concrete,UHPC)遮弹层在战斗部侵彻爆炸作用下的损伤破坏并建立可靠的计算方法,首先,开展了UHPC靶体抗 105 mm口径弹体侵彻和 5 kg TNT炸药爆炸联合作用试验,获取了侵彻作用后以及侵彻与爆炸联合作用后弹靶的损伤破坏数据;然后,建立了UHPC靶体抗弹体侵彻与爆炸作用的有限元模型,通过对上述试验和已有的有限厚UHPC板埋置装药爆炸试验进行数值仿真分析,验证了有限元模型和分析方法的可靠性;最后,对比了SDB、WDU-43/B和BLU-109/B等 3 种典型原型战斗部侵彻与爆炸联合作用下,UHPC遮弹层和普通混凝土遮弹层的临界贯彻和震塌厚度.结果表明:3 种战斗部侵彻爆炸联合作用下,遮弹层的临界贯穿厚度和震塌厚度范围分别为1.30~2.60 m和1.70~5.00 m,相应的临界贯穿系数和震塌系数范围分别为1.81~2.17 和2.46~4.17;与普通混凝土遮弹层对比,3 种战斗部侵彻爆炸联合作用下UHPC遮弹层的开坑直径减小了 34.4%~42.4%,临界贯穿和震塌厚度分别减小了 7.1%~31.6%和 39.7%~52.8%.研究结果可为UHPC遮弹层的抗力评估和设计提供参考.
Due to the high compressive/tensile strengths and fracture toughness,ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC)has great application potential in protective structures against the attack of earth penetrating weapons.Accurately evaluating the damage and failure and establishing reliable design methods of UHPC shields against the combination of penetration and explosion of warheads can provide a helpful reference for protective structure design and resistance improvement.In this study,combined tests of 105 mm-caliber projectile penetration test and 5 kg TNT explosion test on semi-infinite UHPC target were conducted first.The detailed test data of the projectile and target under penetration and the combined effect of penetration and explosion were recorded.Then,a finite element model of UHPC under penetration and explosion was established.By conducting the numerical simulations of the above conducted test and the existing prefabricated hole charge explosion test on the finite UHPC slab,as well as comprehensively comparing the destroy depth and cracking dimension of the target,the reliability of the established finite element model and the corresponding analysis approach in predicting the damage and failure of UHPC shield against the combination of penetration and explosion of warheads were validated.Finally,the perforation limit and scabbing limit of the UHPC shield under the combination of penetration and explosion of three typical prototype warheads,i.e.,SDB,WDU-43/B,and BLU-109/B,were determined and compared with those of normal strength concrete shield.The results show that,the perforation limit and scabbing limit of the UHPC shield against the above three warheads are in ranges of 1.30-2.60 m and 1.70-5.00 m,respectively.The corresponding critical perforation and scabbing coefficients are in the ranges of 1.81-2.17 and 2.46-4.17,respectively.Compared with the normal strength concrete shield,the cracking diameter of the UHPC shield is reduced by 34.4%-42.4%.The perforation limit and scabbing limit are reduced by 7.1%-31.6%and 39.7%-52.8%,respectively.The present work can provide an analysis method and reference for the resistance evaluation and design of the UHPC shield.
同济大学土木工程学院,上海 200092同济大学土木工程学院,上海 200092同济大学土木工程学院,上海 200092同济大学土木工程学院,上海 200092
ultra-high performance concreteshieldpenetrationexplosionprotective design
《爆炸与冲击》 2025 (1)