Numerical Study on the Propagation Characteristics of Detonation Waves Affected by Weakly Constrained Boundary Effects Induced by Lateral Expansion
为研究受到侧向膨胀弱约束边界影响的爆轰波在窄直通道内的传播特性,以H2/O2/Ar混合气为燃料,采用48步详细化学反应机理,对爆轰波的侧向膨胀过程进行了二维数值模拟.研究了侧向膨胀弱约束气体种类、温度以及可燃预混气高度对爆轰波传播速度和波面结构的影响.研究结果表明:使用氩气或者已燃产物作为弱约束气体不会对爆轰波的侧向膨胀程度和波面结构产生明显影响.当弱约束气体温度为1 000 K、1 500 K和2 000 K时,在已燃产物内传播的激波的速度大于爆轰波的波速,由此产生一道由激波指向爆轰波的诱导激波,该诱导激波会导致爆轰波的速度增加.弱约束气体温度从300 K升至500 K,不会对爆轰波的传播特性产生影响.可燃预混气高度越高,爆轰波速度亏损越小.存在使得爆轰波免于熄灭的最小可燃预混气高度,且这一临界值会因弱约束气体温度的升高而降低,当弱约束气体温度为300 K时爆轰波的无量纲临界传播尺寸h/λ>0.13.研究结果对揭示爆轰波的侧向膨胀损失机理具有重要的意义.
To investigate the propagation characteristics of detonation waves influenced by lateral expansion with weakly constrained boundaries in a narrow straight channel,a two-dimensional numerical simulation was conducted using H2/O2/Ar mixture as the fuel and a detailed chemical reaction mechanism consisting of 48 steps.The study examined the effects of type of weakly constrained gas,temperature,and height of combustible premixed gas on the propagation speed and wave structure of the detonation wave.It is found that using argon or products of combustion as weakly constrained gases has no significant impact on the lateral expansion extent and wave structure of the detonation wave.When the temperature of the weakly constrained gas is 1 000 K,1 500 K,and 2 000 K,the shock wave propagating within the products of combustion exceeds the detonation wave speed,resulting in the generation of an induced shock wave pointing towards the detonation wave.This induced shock wave leads to an increase in the velocity of the detonation wave.Increasing the temperature of the weakly constrained gas from 300 K to 500 K has no effect on the propagation characteristics of the detonation wave.Higher heights of combustible premixed gas results in less loss of velocity for the detonation wave,and there exists a minimum combustible premixed gas height that prevents the detonation wave from extinguishing.When the temperature of the weakly constrained gas is 300 K,the dimensionless critical propagation size of the detonation wave h/λ>0.13.The findings of this study are of significant importance for understanding the mechanisms of lateral expansion losses in detonation waves.
南京理工大学瞬态物理国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210016南京理工大学瞬态物理国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210016南京理工大学瞬态物理国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210016
detonation wavelateral expansionspeed losswave structureheight of combustible gas
《弹道学报》 2024 (4)