Dimensional Analysis and Investigation of the Shock Initiation Characteristics of Covered Charge
为研究屏蔽装药的冲击引爆特性,从理论上建立了带屏蔽板殉爆现象的量纲分析方法.采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件对屏蔽装药的冲击引爆过程进行数值模拟,重点分析了屏蔽板厚度、主发装药的质量、主发装药的长径比和爆距对屏蔽装药冲击引爆的影响.利用(非)线性最小二乘法,拟合得到屏蔽板厚度与殉爆距离的函数关系以及主发装药的质量与殉爆距离的函数关系.结果表明:量纲分析结果和拟合关系式吻合良好,充分论证了拟合公式的有效性和准确性.非接触爆炸时,随着屏蔽板厚度的逐渐增大,殉爆距离呈指数衰减,屏蔽板厚度在3 mm以内时,增大屏蔽板厚度对殉爆距离影响较大;大于3 mm时,进一步增大屏蔽板厚度对提高炸药抗冲击引爆毁伤能力影响显著变小.非接触爆炸时,在主发装药长径比保持不变的情况下,殉爆距离与主发装药的半径呈线形关系,与主发装药的质量呈立方根关系;在主发装药质量保持不变的情况下,当主发装药和被发装药的直径相等时,殉爆距离最大.
In order to study the damage effect of the near-field strong shock wave on the covered charge,the dimensional analysis method on the sympathetic detonation with covered plate was established theoretically.The shock initiation process of covered-pressed TNT was numerically simulated by nonlinear finite element program ANSYS/LS-DYNA.The influence of covered plate thickness,donor charge mass,length-diameter ratio of donor charge on the detonation distance during non-contact explosion was analyzed.The functional relationship between covered-plate thickness and sympathetic detonation distance was obtained by a non-linear least square method,as well as the functional relationship between donor charge mass and sympathetic detonation distance.The results show that the dimensional analysis results are in good agreement with the fitting formula,which fully demonstrates the validity and accuracy of the fitting formula.The calculated detonation distance of the non-contact explosion decreases with the increase of the covered-plate thickness.While the covered-plate thickness is less than 3 mm,the increase of the covered-plate thickness has a greater impact on the sympathetic detonation distance.While the thickness is greater than 3 mm,further increasing the covered-plate thickness has significantly smaller effect on increasing the shock initiation resistance of explosive.When the length-diameter ratio of the donor charge remaining constant,the detonation distance of the non-contact explosion is linear with the donor-charge radius,and cubic with the donor-charge mass.Under the donor-charge mass remains constant,the detonation distance of the non-contact explosion is the largest when the diameters of the donor-charge and the acceptor charge are equal.
西北工业集团有限公司,陕西西安 710043西北工业集团有限公司,陕西西安 710043陆军装备部驻西安地区军事代表局,陕西西安 710043陆军装备部驻西安地区军事代表局,陕西西安 710043西北工业集团有限公司,陕西西安 710043南京理工大学瞬态物理国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210094
covered chargeshock initiationsympathetic detonation distancedimensional analysisfitting formula
《弹道学报》 2024 (4)