Mechanical Properties of Concave Hexagonal Honeycomb Structure with Negative Poisson's Ratio During Engraving Process
弹丸挤进身管是一个极其短暂的过程,伴随着强冲击、高过载和高温的力学环境.在此过程中,均质黄铜弹带在阳线作用下发生弹塑性变形及损伤破坏,致使武器身管内表面挂铜现象普遍存在.随着内凹六边形负泊松比蜂窝结构的广泛运用,结合该结构优良的减载和抗冲击性能,提出了一种新型内凹六边形负泊松比蜂窝结构弹带,并建立了弹带挤进身管的有限元模型,研究了内凹六边形负泊松比蜂窝结构弹带在正装药条件下挤进身管过程中的变形模式与力学特性.研究结果表明:内凹六边形负泊松比蜂窝型结构弹带能够满足发射时的内弹道性能要求,与传统均质黄铜弹带相比,在挤进过程中弹丸运动规律无显著差异;由于内凹六边形负泊松比蜂窝结构弹带经历了线弹性、平台区和密实化3个变形阶段,弹带表层有轻微的损伤与断裂,且与身管内表面贴合较好;与常规弹带相比能够极大减小弹带挤进时的损伤耗能,损伤耗能最大值降低了 76.9%.内凹六边形负泊松比蜂窝结构弹带能够减少身管内表面挂铜现象的发生,在一定程度上减少身管表面烧蚀,提高身管寿命.
The engraving process of projectile accompanies the mechanical environment of strong impact,high overload,and high temperature.During this process,the homogeneous brass rotating band undergoes plastic deformation and damage destruction under the action of rifling land,resulting in the copper hanging on the inner surface of the barrel.With the widespread use of the concave hexagonal negative Poisson's ratio honeycomb structure(CHNPRHS),a novel CHNPRHS rotating band was proposed for the purpose of reducing the copper hanging phenomenon,taking advantage of the excellent load reduction and impact resistance of the structure.The finite element model of the rotating band engraving into the barrel was established.The deformation mode and mechanical properties of the CHNPRHS rotating band in the condition of positive propellant were studied.The research results show that the CHNPRHS rotating band satisfies the internal ballistic performance requirements during firing.While the movement of the projectile in the process of engraving is not significantly different from that of the traditional homogeneous brass rotating band.Due to the fact that the CHNPRHS rotating band undergoes three deformation stages of the elastic,plateau,and densification.There is slight damage and fracture on the surface of the rotating band,and it adheres well to the inner surface of the barrel.Compared with the conventional rotating band,the damage and energy consumption of the rotating band during engraving can be reduced by 76.9%.The CHNPRHS rotating band can decrease the occurrence of copper hanging on the inner surface of the barrel,and reduce the surface erosion of the barrel to some extent,thereby improving the service life of the barrel.
中北大学机电工程学院,山西太原 033000中北大学机电工程学院,山西太原 033000中北大学机电工程学院,山西太原 033000中北大学机电工程学院,山西太原 033000
rotating bandnegative Poisson's ratio structureengraving processbarrel lifefinite element method
《弹道学报》 2024 (4)