Geological characteristics and quality evaluation of decorative marble ore deposit in Niulangwan village,Yuxian county,Shanxi province
山西省盂县牛郎湾大理岩矿位于阜平穹状隆起西南缘七东山倒转向斜的北翼,赋矿地层为古元古界滹沱群七东山组二段;矿体以紫红色角砾状大理岩为主,另有少量青灰色大理岩,矿体顶、底板为灰白色大理岩;矿区共圈定4个大理岩矿体,矿体长度为2000~3350 m,厚度5~20 m;矿体产状倾向170°~190°,倾角24°~35°.大理岩样品经过物理试验检测,均达到且优于行业规范要求的技术指标;样品经放射性预检测,达到A类产品的技术指标;石材荒料率统计表明,矿区大理岩荒料块度≥1.0 m3的约占71%,<1 m3的约占29%;矿区饰面石材的资源储量丰富,具有较好的经济价值和开发前景.
The marble ore deposit in Niulangwan village is located at North limb of Qidongshan reverse syncline in Southwest margin of Fuping dome uplift and occurs in the second member of Palaeozoic Qi-dongshan formation of Hutuo Group.The ore is mainly composed of brecciated bluish red marble and small amount of bluish gray marble.The top and bottom plate rock are gray marble.Four ore bodies have been delineated with length 2000~3350 m and thickness 5~20 m dip ping in 170°~190° direction at angle 24°~35°.Physical test results of the marble samples meet or exceed the industrial specification.Statistic results of the raw material rate show that marble block with size more than or equal to 1.0 m3 is 71%,that with size less than 1.0 m3 29%.Resources of facing stone in the area is aboundant with good eco-nomic and development prospect.
中国冶金地质总局三局,太原 030021中国冶金地质总局三局,太原 030021中国冶金地质总局三局,太原 030021中国冶金地质总局三局,太原 030021中国冶金地质总局第三地质勘查院,太原 030021
Marble ore deposit in Niulanwan villagedecorative stonegeological characteristicsthe second member of Qidondshan formationquality evaluationYuxian countyShanxi province
《地质找矿论丛》 2024 (4)