Potential of phosphorite ore prospecting of Meishucun stage in Northwest Guizhou province
The Sinian-Cambrian period was a stable development stage in Yangtze block.Deep faults in surrounding of the block and in the block resulted development of several uplifts and fault depressions.The area of Northwest Guizhou province is located on the northwest margin of the block and shallow wa-ter deposited phophorous-bearing carbonte rock sequence was developed during Early Cambrian Epoch in the area.Analysis and correction of sections of phosphorous-bearing sequence in the block to those in sur-roundings show that during Meishucun stage the sequence were generally deposited in the upper tidal and inter tidal traditional environments.Such environments are favorable for deposit ion of phosphorous se-quence.Under influence of later tectonic movement the phosphorous-bearing sequence of Meishucun stage of Lower Cambrian Series in Northwest Guizhou province tends to be buried shallower from NW to SE di-rection.
中化地质矿山总局贵州地质勘查院,贵阳 550003
phosphorous rock sequenceMeishucun stageore prospecting potentialnorthwest Guizhou province
《地质找矿论丛》 2024 (4)