Evaluation of the Resistance of 111 Mango Germ-plasm Resources to Anthracnose
[目的]云南是我国重要的芒果晚熟产区,炭疽病是芒果生产上的重要病害.了解云南省芒果种质资源对炭疽病的抗病性水平并进行抗性评价,可为挖掘该省芒果炭疽病抗病资源、抗病基因和选育抗病品种提供科学依据.[方法]分别采集云南省常见 111 份芒果种质资源的果实样品,在室内进行芒果炭疽病菌接种,检测供试芒果种质资源在接种炭疽病病菌后的发病情况,计算病情指数,然后根据病情指数划分供试芒果种质资源的抗病等级,据此进行抗病性评价.[结果]111 份芒果种质资源对芒果炭疽菌的抗性水平存在明显差异,病情指数为 8.89~100,以桂香芒 2 号的病情指数最低,南逗迈的病情指数最高.供试的 111 份芒果种质资源间的抗病水平普遍不高,无免疫种质,有高抗种质 5 份(占 4.50%)、抗病种质 12份(占 10.81%)、中抗种质 16 份(占 14.41%)、中感种质 25 份(占 22.52%)、感病种质 35份(占 31.54%)、高感种质 18 份(占 16.22%).[结论]桂香芒 2 号、桂 10、古巴 2 号、Betty和墨西哥芒 5 份芒果种质资源对炭疽病具有较好的抗性,可作为芒果抗炭疽病育种的资源.本研究结果初步评价了云南省常见芒果种质对炭疽病的抗性情况,可为进一步利用抗性种质资源开展抗病育种工作及相关抗病基因挖掘提供参考.
[Objective]Yunnan Province is an important late-maturing mango producing area in China.Anthracnose is an important disease in mango production.Understanding the resistance level of mango germplasm resources to anthracnose in Yunnan Province and evaluating the resis-tance can provide a scientific basis for excavating mango anthracnose resistance resources,mining disease resistance genes and breeding disease-resistant varieties.[Methods]The fruit samples of 111 mango germplasm resources common in Yunnan Province were collected and inoculated with Colletotrichum gloeosporioides pathogen respectively in laboratory.The disease incidence in the pathogen-inoculated fruit samples was investigated,and the results were used for calculating the dis-ease index.The anthracnose resistance grades for the tested mango germplasm resources were deter-mined according to the disease index,which were used to evaluate the disease resistance levels.[Results]There were significant differences in the resistance levels to anthracnose in the 111 tested mango resources,the disease index was 8.89-100,and the disease index was the lowest,in Guixiangmang 2 and the highest in Nandoumai.The disease resistance of the 111 mango germplasm resources tested were generally not high.It was found no immune germplasm,5 collections were highly resistant(around 4.50%),12 were resistant(10.81%),16 were moderately resistant(14.41%),25 were moderately susceptible(22.52%),35 were susceptible(31.54%),and 18 were highly suscep-tible(16.22%).[Conclusion]Guixiangmang 2,Gui 10,Cuba 2,Betty and Mexican mango had high resistance and could be used as resistance breeding resources to anthracnose.The results of this study preliminarily evaluated the resistance of common mango resources to anthracnose in Yunnan Province,and provided a reference for further using these resistant resources to breed disease resis-tant mongo varieties and mine the disease resistance related genes.
中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所/海南省热带园艺产品采后生理与保鲜重点实验室/农业农村部热带果树生物学重点实验室,广东湛江 524091||华坪县芒果产业发展中心,云南丽江 674800中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所/海南省热带园艺产品采后生理与保鲜重点实验室/农业农村部热带果树生物学重点实验室,广东湛江 524091华坪县芒果产业发展中心,云南丽江 674800
Mangoanthracnosegermplasm resourceresistance
《农业研究与应用》 2024 (003)
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