

Effects of Rootstock Diameter of Litchi(Litchi chi-nensis Sonn.)cv.Heli on the Survival Rate and Growth in Grafts of Litchi cv.Xianjinfeng


[目的]探究不同禾荔砧木直径嫁接仙进奉对嫁接成活率及生长的影响,为开展荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)品种改良提供参考依据.[方法]以荔枝品种禾荔为砧木,通过采用大枝挑皮嫁接(砧木直径d≥3 cm)和小枝切接(砧木直径 1 cm≤d<3 cm)2 种嫁接方法嫁接荔枝品种仙进奉,调查不同砧木直径(cm)(1≤d<2、2≤d<3、3≤d<4、4≤d<5、5≤d<6、6≤d<7、d≥7)仙进奉的嫁接成活率、接穗直径、接穗长度、接穗抽梢批次.[结果]3 月 15 日与 5 月 4 日的嫁接试验中嫁接成活率与砧木直径均呈极显著负相关,当砧木直径为 2~3 cm时,嫁接成活率分别为 83.3%和 56.9%,均显著高于其他处理;3 月15 日的嫁接试验中接穗直径与砧木直径呈极显著正相关,5 月 4 日的嫁接试验中接穗直径与砧木直径呈显著正相关;当砧木直径为 6~7 cm时,接穗直径分别为 14.9 mm和 12.1 mm,均显著高于其他处理;3 月 15 日的嫁接试验中接穗长度与砧木直径呈显著正相关,5 月 4 日的嫁接试验接穗长度与砧木直径无显著相关性,当砧木直径为 6~7 cm时,接穗长度分别为100.5 cm和 65.7 cm,均显著高于其他处理;在 3 月 15 日与 5 月 4 日的嫁接试验中接穗抽梢批次与砧木直径均无显著相关性,抽梢批次在 3~5 次.[结论]综合嫁接成活率、嫁接后接穗生长量等因素,以禾荔为砧木,以仙进奉为接穗进行高接换种时,适宜在 3 月份进行,可选择直径 1~3 cm的小枝进行切接,或者直径 3~5 cm的大枝挑皮接,可以提高嫁接成活率,促进接穗生长.

[Objective]The present experiment was conducted to provide a reference for li-tchi variety improvement by top grafting.[Method]Two grafting methods,pry-grafting for thick rootstock(diameter d≥3 cm)and cut-grafting for spindly rootstock(1 cm≤d<3 cm)of litchi(Li-tchi chinensis Sonn.)cv.Heli,were used,respectively,to graft litchi cv.Xianjinfeng.The graft sur-vival rate,scion diameter,scion length,scion shooting batch in Xianjinfeng under different rootstock diamers(1 cm≤d<2 cm,2 cm≤d<3 cm,3 cm≤d<4 cm,4 cm≤d<5 cm,5 cm≤d<6 cm,6 cm≤d<7 cm,d≥7 cm)were investigated respectively.[Result]The results showed that the graft survival rate was highly significantly negatively correlated with the diameter of rootstock in the experiments done on March 15th and May 4th,and the graft survival rates were 83.3%and 56.9%in the treatment with rootstock diameter of 2~3 cm,which were significantly higher than those in the other treatments.The scion diameter was highly significantly positively correlated with the diameter of rootstock in the experiments done on March 15th,while it was significantly posi-tively correlated in the experiments done on May 4th,and the scion diameters were 14.9 mm and 12.1 mm in the treatment with rootstock diameter of 6~7 cm,which were significantly higher than that in the other treatments.The scion length was significantly positively correlated with the diam-eter of rootstock in the experiments done on March 15th,while it was not significantly correlated in the experiments done on May 4th,and the scion length was 100.5 cm and 65.8 cm in the treatment with rootstock diameter of 6~7 cm,which were significantly higher than those in the other treat-ments.There was no significant correlation between the scion shooting number with the rootstock di-ameter in the experiments done on March 15th and May 4th,and the scion shooting batches were be-tween 3 and 5 times.[Conclusion]Based on the effects of 2 grafting methods on the graft survival rate and growth traits in Xianjinfeng which was grafted with Heli as rootstock,it is suitable to do li-tchi top grafting in March with the rootstock diameter of 1~5 cm which could improve the graft sur-vival rate and growth.


梧州市农业科学研究所/梧州市药用植物研究所/广西农业科学院梧州分院,广西梧州 543000梧州市龙圩区新地镇农业服务中心,广西梧州 543103梧州市龙圩区龙圩镇农业服务中心,广西梧州 543199梧州市藤县濛江镇农业服务中心,广西梧州 543312



Litchi chinensis Sonn.top graftingXianjinfeng litchigraft survival raterootstock diametergrowth

《农业研究与应用》 2024 (003)

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