Dynamic Response Analysis of Continuous Beam Bridges Based on Lateral Collision Effect
桥梁动力响应研究是桥梁工程领域的一个重要分支,特别是在考虑横向碰撞效应的情况下.为了研究横向碰撞对连续梁桥动力响应的影响,利用地震工程模拟的开放体系OpenSees(Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation,OpenS-ees)有限元软件搭建全桥有限元模型,对比分析有无横向碰撞时,桥梁动力响应和易损性变化情况.结果表明,同一地面峰值加速度为1.0 gal时,支座轻微损伤和完全损伤的损伤概率在无横向碰撞时分别为0.97和0.71,有横向碰撞时分别为0.92和0.65.横向碰撞效应通过挡块的限位作用限制了支座的相对位移,从而降低了损伤概率.这对桥梁在抗震设计中的评估、加固和维护等方面具有实际指导意义.
The study of beam dynamic response is an important branch in the field of bridge engineer-ing,especially when considering lateral collision effects.In order to study the effect of lateral collision on the dynamic response of continuous beam bridges,an open system for earthquake engineering simulation(OpenSees)finite element software was used to build a finite element model of the entire bridge.The dy-namic response and vulnerability changes of the bridge were compared and analyzed with and without later-al collision.The results show that when the peak ground acceleration is 1.0 gal,the probability of minor and complete damage to the support is 0.97 and 0.71,respectively,without lateral collision,and 0.92 and 0.65,respectively,with lateral collision.The lateral collision effect limits the relative displacement of the support through the limiting effect of the stopper,thereby reducing the probability of damage.This has practical guidance significance for the evaluation,reinforcement,and maintenance of bridges in seismic de-sign.
合肥经济技术职业学院 建筑工程系,安徽省合肥市环湖东路中段360号 230031
lateral collisioncontinuous beam bridgefinite element modelpower responsevulnera-bility
《河北水利电力学院学报》 2024 (4)