Progress of NIR-Ⅱ Fluorescent Temperature Sensitive Materials
A brief introduction to fluorescent temperature sensitive materials and second near-infrared region(NIR-Ⅱ)fluorescent temperature sensitive materials,a detailed review of the research and development status of four NIR-Ⅱ fluorescent temperature sensitive materials.They are rare earth luminescent materials,quantum dots,single-walled carbon nanotubes and organic small molecule temperature-sensitive materials.And compared the optimal results of temperature sensitive performance obtained through experiments by different researchers in the field of these four temperature sensitive materials.Among them,rare earth luminescent materials and quantum dots perform better.Both materials have their own advantages in different application fields.The strategies of improving temperature sensitivity of four kinds of materials were analyzed,and finally the future development and existing problems of fluorescent nano temperature sensitive materials in the second near-infrared region are prospected.
江苏科技大学 冶金工程学院,江苏 苏州 215600江苏科技大学 冶金工程学院,江苏 苏州 215600江苏科技大学 冶金工程学院,江苏 苏州 215600
NIR-IItemperature sensitive materialrare earth luminescent materialquantum dotperformance improvement
《广州化学》 2024 (6)