Progress of Preparation and Application of MoOx-based Catalysts for Electrolysis of Water
The abundance of chemical sites and tunable chemical compositions of MoOx-based materials has led to their widespread interest in the field of water splitting.This text briefly introduces the construction of electrolytic water catalysts through interfacial engineering with different components of molybdenum oxide-based materials.It classifies and details the general synthesis strategies for the preparation of MoOx-based composite catalysts with different dimensions from a zero-,one-,two-and three-dimensional spatial perspective,and compares them in terms of structural morphology,overpotentials,Tafel slopes and stability of the catalysts,as well as the MoOx-based modified materials for application to enhance the hydrolysis reaction.MoOx-based materials have potential applications in energy and catalysis.Additionally,they offer new opportunities.
上海理工大学 材料与化学学院,上海 200093上海理工大学 材料与化学学院,上海 200093上海理工大学 材料与化学学院,上海 200093上海理工大学 材料与化学学院,上海 200093上海理工大学 材料与化学学院,上海 200093
molybdenum oxideelectrolysis of waterstructural morphologystabilityoxygen evolution reactionhydrogen evolution reactioncatalyst
《广州化学》 2024 (6)