

Characteristics and causes analysis of groundwater pollution of typical ionic rare earth mining area in South China


以华南典型离子型稀土历史遗留矿区为研究对象,开展地下水pH、"三氮"、重金属和稀土元素等指标监测,分析质量和污染现状、空间分布特征,并采用水化学类型Piper三线图、水土浓度对比、离子浓度相关性分析等方法,进一步分析矿区地下水主要超标指标来源与迁移转化规律.结果表明,矿区地下水pH、氨氮超标普遍,氨氮和铅的污染程度最大,污染指数(Pki)最大值分别为 197.70和 96.99.堆浸工艺区较原地浸出工艺区地下水污染程度大.浸矿剂注入造成土壤酸化和铵态氮残留,是矿区地下水中氨氮的重要补给来源,酸性条件下镍、镉、汞、砷、铅、钕和镧从土壤中析出的可能性依次增大.

Taking the typical ion-type rare earth mining area left over from history in South China as the research object,the groundwater samples in mining area were cellected to monitor pH,"three nitrogen",heavy metals,rare earth elements and other indicators for the quality and pollution assessment and spatial distribution characteristics analysis.Methods such as Piper three-plot of hydrochemical type,soil and water concentration comparison and ionic concentration correlation analysis were adopted to further study the source,migration and transformation of the main contaminants.The results showed that the groundwater pH and NH4+-N generally exceeded the standard,and the pollution index(Pki)of NH4+-N and Pb was the highest which reached 197.70 and 96.99,respectively.The groundwater pollution in pile leaching mining area was more serious than that in situ leaching mining area.The injection of leaching agents causes soil acidification and residual ammonium nitrogen,which was an important source of ammonia nitrogen supply in groundwater in mining areas.Under acidic conditions,the likelihood of nickel,cadmium,mercury,arsenic,lead,neodymium,and lanthanum precipitation from soil increases in sequence.


广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045



ionic rare earth minegroundwaterpollution characteristicspollution causes

《环境保护科学》 2024 (6)



