Evaluation and cause analysis of groundwater pollution in a chemical industrial park in Northeast China
化工园区是地下水污染的重要污染源之一,为查明某化学工业园区地下水污染特征及成因,通过现场调查、建井采样、统计分析等手段,在化工园区附近共采集 23个地下水样本,并对 128项指标进行测试及统计分析,结合园区企业分布及行业特征分析,结果表明:园区地下水污染相对较重,且污染物已经超出园区边界,主要超标指标为三氯乙醛、顺式-1,2-二氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷、1,1,2-三氯乙烷、邻苯二甲酸二正丁酯、苯酚等有机污染物,园区地下水污染特征与园区企业分布及行业特征存在直接联系,因此,可以确定园区内工业企业生产过程中的"跑、冒、滴、漏"以及园区原有地下管网破损是造成园区地下水污染的根本原因和主要原因.
A chemical industrial park represents a significant source of groundwater pollution.To investigate the characteristics and causes of groundwater pollution in a chemical industry park,a total of 23 groundwater samples were collected near the chemical industry park through field investigation,well construction sampling,statistical analysis and other means,and 128 indicators were tested and statistically analyzed,combined with the distribution of enterprises in the park and industry characteristics analysis.The results showed that the groundwater pollution in the park was relatively heavy,and the pollutants had exceeded the boundaries of the park.The main indicators exceeding the standard were trichloroacetaldehyde,cis-1,2-dichloroethane,1,2-trichloroethane,di-n-butyl phthalate,phenol and other organic pollutants.The characteristics of groundwater pollution in the park were directly related to the distribution and industry characteristics of enterprises in the park.It could be determined that the"running,bubbing,dripping and leaking"in the production process of industrial enterprises in the park and the damage of the original underground pipe network in the park are the root causes and main causes of groundwater pollution in the park.
沈阳环境科学研究院,沈阳 110167||辽宁省城市生态重点实验室,沈阳 110167沈阳环境科学研究院,沈阳 110167||辽宁省城市生态重点实验室,沈阳 110167沈阳环境科学研究院,沈阳 110167||辽宁省城市生态重点实验室,沈阳 110167沈阳环境科学研究院,沈阳 110167||辽宁省城市生态重点实验室,沈阳 110167沈阳环境科学研究院,沈阳 110167||辽宁省城市生态重点实验室,沈阳 110167国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司甲醇分公司,银川 750411沈阳市生态环境局,沈阳 110167
chemical parksgroundwater pollutionquality evaluationpollution causes
《环境保护科学》 2024 (6)