Non-point source pollution characterization when barrage controlling in Moyang River
闸坝调度往往能对河流水环境带来诸多复杂影响.文章以面源污染较为严重的漠阳江干流江城断面为研究对象,基于 2022年 1月—2023年 6月降雨数据、双捷拦河坝开关闸数据和江城水质自动监测站总磷浓度数据,分析了降雨径流污染叠加闸坝调度下的漠阳江总磷变化特征.结果显示,江城断面总磷浓度与双捷拦河坝闸前水位呈负相关,与开闸流量、降雨量呈相关关系.总体来看,受到降雨面源污染影响,开闸放水一定程度上影响江城断面总磷浓度.在汛期不同月份受到双捷拦河坝开闸调度的不同策略影响,江城断面总磷浓度上升下降的变化过程有明显差异.在汛期时段,增加开闸系数有助于加速污染团迁移,降低总磷峰值和提高断面水质恢复速率,降低对江城断面当月平均总磷浓度的影响.
It could often bring many complex effects on river water environment when barrage controlling.Based on the rainfall data from January 2022 to June 2023,the opening and closing gate data of Shuangjie Barrage and the Total Phosphorus(TP)concentration data of Jiangcheng water quality automatic monitoring station,the characteristics of the changes of TP in Moyang River under the operation of sluice and dam with combined rainfall and runoff pollution were analyzed.The results showed that the TP concentration in Jiangcheng section was negatively correlated with the water level in front of Shuangjie Barrage gate,and was correlated with the discharge and rainfall.In general,under the influence of non-point source pollution of rainfall,the opening of sluice and releasing water affected the TP concentration of Jiangcheng section to a certain extent.Under the influence of different strategies of sluice-opening operation of Shuangjie Barrage in different months of flood season,the change process of TP concentration in Jiangcheng section was obviously different.During flood season,increasing the gate opening coefficient was helpful to accelerate the migration of pollution masses,reduced the peak value of TP,improved the recovery rate of water quality in the section,and reduced the influence on the average monthly TP concentration in Jiangcheng section.
广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045广东省环境科学研究院,广州 510045||粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室,广州 510045
barrage controllingtotal phosphorusnon-point source pollutioncorrelation
《环境保护科学》 2024 (6)