Physical and chemical properties of cadmium-rich soils along the Yangtze River in Nanjing and their biological enrichment of Cd in rice
为探究南京沿江富镉土壤Cd含量在根系土-稻米的迁移转化规律,进一步明确大田环境下稻米Cd含量与土壤理化性质关系,在该区协同采集了 300组稻米-根系土样品,系统分析了稻米Cd含量与根系土壤性质关系,构建了稻米Cd含量与根系土壤影响因子的预测方程.结果表明:研究区根系土Cd全量为 0.08~0.58 mg/kg,稻米Cd含量为0.008~0.150 mg/kg,稻米 Cd的生物富集系数(BCF)为 1.38%~115.39%.稻米 Cd含量与土壤有效 Cd含量、pH、SOM和CEC呈极显著关系(p<0.01),相关系数分别为 0.51、-0.57、-0.36和-0.40;土壤pH为 6.0~6.5时,稻米对Cd的吸附能力最强;在土壤Cd高背景值区,稻米BCF与土壤有效Cd相关系数达 0.63(p<0.01).采用对数模型,利用多元回归分析,构建了稻米Cd与土壤有效Cd、pH、CEC和SOM的定量关系模型,能够较好地预测当地稻米Cd含量,对于沿江富Cd土壤农业生产安全防护及调控具有重要意义.
To explore the migration and transformation of Cd in root soil-rice in cadmium-rich soil along the Yangtze River in Nanjing and further clarify the relationship between rice Cd and soil physical and chemical properties in field environment,300 groups of rice-root soil samples were collected in this area.The correlations between Cd in rice and root soil properties were analyzed,and prediction equations between Cd in rice and influence factors were established.The results showed that the total Cd of root soil in the study area was 0.08~0.58 mg/kg,the Cd content of rice was 0.008~0.150 mg/kg,and the BCF of rice Cd was 1.38%~115.39%.It was significantly correlation between Cd in rice and available Cd,pH,SOM and CEC in soil(p<0.01),the correlation coefficients were 0.51,-0.57,-0.36 and-0.40,respectively.The adsorption capacity of rice to Cd was the strongest when the soil pH value was 6.0~6.5.In the high background value area of soil Cd,the correlation coefficient between rice BCF and soil available Cd was 0.63(p<0.01).Using logarithmic model and multiple regression analysis,a quantitative relationship model between rice Cd and soil available Cd,pH,CEC and SOM was established,which could better predict local rice Cd content,and was of great significance for the safety protection and regulation of Cd-rich soil agriculture along the Yangtze River.
自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,南京 210007||江苏省海洋地质调查院,南京 210007||江苏华东地质环境工程有限公司,南京 210007自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,南京 210007||江苏省海洋地质调查院,南京 210007||江苏华东地质环境工程有限公司,南京 210007自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,南京 210007||江苏省海洋地质调查院,南京 210007||江苏华东地质环境工程有限公司,南京 210007自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,南京 210007||江苏省海洋地质调查院,南京 210007||江苏华东地质环境工程有限公司,南京 210007自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,南京 210007||江苏省海洋地质调查院,南京 210007||江苏华东地质环境工程有限公司,南京 210007自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,南京 210007||江苏省地质局地质信息中心,南京 210007自然资源部滨海盐碱地生态改良与可持续利用工程技术创新中心,南京 210007||江苏华东八一四地球物理勘查有限公司,南京 210007
cadmiumricesoilalong the Yangtze RiverNanjing
《环境保护科学》 2024 (6)