

Water quality and environmental monitoring techniques for antibiotic based new pollutant


为服务于抗生素类新污染物的水质环境监测需要,文章建立了固相萃取-高效液相色谱-三重四级杆质谱法,同步测定环境水体中磺胺类、喹诺酮类、大环内酯类等 8种抗生素类新污染物.水样经固相萃取法富集净化后,用高效液相色谱-三重四级杆质谱法分离检测,根据化合物的保留时间和特征离子峰定性,外标法定量.结果表明:(1)目标物在液相色谱上得到有效的基线分离,保留时间稳定,在 20~200 ng/L范围内标准曲线的相关系数R均在 0.99以上;(2)8种抗生素类新污染物的方法检出限为 0.65~3.12 ng/L;(3)经低浓度平行添加试验显示,方法的精密度为 4.3%~10.9%,加标回收率为 65%~98%.该研究建立的方法灵敏度高、适用性好,能够用于水质环境中磺胺嘧啶、磺胺醋酰、磺胺甲恶唑、磺胺甲氧哒嗪、磺胺噻唑、氧氟沙星、罗红霉素、螺旋霉素的监测分析.

To serve the needs of water quality and environment monitoring of new antibiotics pollutants,a solid-phase extraction high-performance liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method was established to simultaneously determine eight new antibiotic pollutants,including sulfonamides,quinolones,and macrolides,in environmental water.After enrichment and purification by solid-phase extraction,the water sample was separated and detected by high-performance liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.Qualitative analysis was performed based on the retention time and characteristic ion peaks of the compounds,while quantitative analysis was performed using external standard method.The results showed that:①The target substance obtained effective baseline separation on liquid chromatography,with stable retention time,and the correlation coefficients R of the standard curve were all above 0.99 in the range of 20~200 ng/L.②The detection limits of 8 new antibiotics was between 0.65 and 3.12 ng/L According to the low concentration parallel addition test,the precision of the method was 4.3%~10.9%,and the recovery rate of the added standard was 65%~98%.The method established in this study had high sensitivity and good applicability,and can be used for the monitoring and analysis of sulfamethoxazole,sulfamethoxazole,sulfamethoxazole,sulfamethoxazole,ofloxacin,roxithromycin,and spiramycin in water quality environments.


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new pollutantsantibioticssolid phase extraction high-performance liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometrywater qualityenvironmental monitoring

《环境保护科学》 2024 (6)



