

Stable Isotope Turnover and Fractionation of Different Feed in the Juvenile Scylla paramamosain


为研究不同饵料对拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain)幼蟹碳和氮稳定同位素周转和分馏系数的影响,本研究采用200个50 cm×40 cm×40 cm的水族箱,采用鱼(李氏(䲙)Callionymus richardsoni)、虾(宽沟对虾 Penaeus latisulcatus)、贝(杂色蛤 Ruditapes philippinarum)、沙蚕(双齿围沙蚕 Perinereis aibuhitensis)为饵料投喂初始体质量为1.5 g左右的拟穴青蟹幼蟹,并在第0、30、60、90、135、180天取样测定幼蟹的δ13C和δ15N,计算周转参数和分馏系数.结果显示,实验期间幼蟹δ13C和δ15N随养殖时间的变动可用δ13C=a×lnt+b和δ15N=a×lnt+b描述,摄食不同饵料时a值变动较大.生长是驱动幼蟹体内碳和氮稳定同位素周转的主要因素,投喂4种饵料的幼蟹生长对13C周转的贡献百分比分别为79.83%、83.65%、84.88%和63.80%,生长对15N周转的贡献百分比分别81.97%、82.88%、75.27%和59.80%.投喂4种饵料的幼蟹13C完成50%周转时间(t50)分别为36.30、24.56、27.96和21.17 d,完成95%周转的时间(t95)分别为156.86、106.16、120.83和91.64 d,15N完成50%周转时间(t50)分别为 37.60、24.34、24.77 和 20.17 d,完成 95%周转的时间(t95)分别为 162.49、105.22、107.05和86.99 d.投喂4种饵料的幼蟹180 d时对饵料的δ13C的分馏系数Δ13C180d为0.71‰~1.64‰,对饵料的δ15N的分馏系数Δ15N180d为2.15‰~2.66‰.Δ13C与增重率(MGR,%)的关系符合公式Δ13C=a×ln(MGR)+b,Δ15N与增重率(MGR,%)的关系符合公式Δ15N=a×ln(MGR)+b,摄食不同饵料时,a和b值均出现较大差异.Δ13C与饵料的813C成负线性相关,与初始幼蟹与饵料的δ13C相差数值(δ13CIC~δ13CD)成正线性相关;Δ15N与饵料的δ15N成负线性相关,与初始幼蟹与饵料的δ15N相差数值(δ15N IC~δ15N D)成正线性相关.本研究表明,生长是驱动拟穴青蟹幼蟹稳定同位素周转的主要因素,饵料稳定同位素丰度是影响分馏系数的重要因子.实验结果为拟穴青蟹营养生态学研究提供了参考数据.

Investigating the effects of different diets on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope turnover and fractionation coefficients in juvenile green crabs(Scylla paramamosain),we used 200 tanks measuring 50 × 40×40 cm.Fish(Callionymus richardsoni),shrimp(Penaeus latisulcatus),clam(Ruditapes philippinarum),and polychaeta worms(Perinereis aibuhitensis)were fed to the juvenile crabs whose initial weight is 1.5 g.Samples were collected at 0,30,60,90,135,and 180 d to determine the 813C and δ15N and calculate turnover parameters as well as fractionation coefficients.Our findings described that the differences in the juvenile crabs'δ13C and δ15N during the experimental period were demonstrated by δ13C=a × lnt+b and δ15N=a × lnt+b,where the value of"a"varied significantly with the different diets.Growth is the main factor driving carbon and nitrogen-stable isotopic turnover in juvenile crabs.The contributions of the four diets(fish,shrimp,clam,and crab)to the 13C turnover of the crabs were 79.83%,83.65%,84.88%,and 63.80%,respectively,whereas their contributions to the 15N turnover were 81.97%,82.88%,75.27%,and 59.80%,respectively.Our findings indicated a clear difference in the stable isotope turnover of juvenile green crabs,which was primarily metabolism-induced.The significant difference in growth rates between the two studies inevitably led to differences in the assimilation and deposition rates of carbon and nitrogen in their body,causing differences in the contributions of growth and metabolism to the turnover of stable isotopes.The time to complete 50%turnover(t50)of 13C and the time to complete 95%turnover(t95)for crabs fed the four diets were 36.30,24.56,27.96,21.17 d and 156.86,106.16,120.83,91.64 d,respectively.The t50 of 15N and t95 for crabs fed the four diets were 37.60,24.34,24.77,20.17 d and 162.49,105.22,107.05,86.99 d,respectively.The results of this experiment indicate that the t50 values of 13C and 15N in juvenile fiddler crabs fed the same diet were similar,and the t95 values were more than four times higher than the t50 values,indicating that the turnover rates of stable isotopes were high in the early stages of the experiment and decreased significantly in the later stages.The fractionation coefficients Δ13 C180d for crabs fed the four diets at 180 d ranged from 0.71‰ to 1.64‰,and the Δ15N180d ranged from 2.15‰ to 2.66‰.Overall,the measured value of Δ13C180d is closer to the literature-cited value of 1.3‰,while the measured value of Δ15N180d was incongruent with the literature-cited value of 3.4‰.Since the large range of fractionation factors for stable isotopes in bait materials among consumers in nearshore and estuarine ecosystems,caution should be exercised when citing fractionation factors in related ecological studies,and actual measurements or data from identical or similar species under similar environmental conditions should be used whenever possible.The relationship between Δ13C and mass growth rate(MGR,%)followed the formula Δ13C=a × ln(MGR)+b,and the relationship between Δ15N and MGR followed the formula Δ15N=a × ln(MGR)+b,with significant variations in the values of"a"and"b"when consuming different diets.Δ13C showed a negative linear correlation with the δ13 C of the diets,and a positive linear correlation with the difference in δ13 C values between the initial juvenile crabs and diets(δ13CIC-δ13CD).Δ 15N demonstrated a negative linear correlation with the δ15N of the diets,and a positive linear correlation with the difference in δ15N values between the initial juvenile crabs and diets(δ15NIC-δ15ND).The diet quality and stable isotope content were the main factors affecting fractionation.Although the δ13C and δ15 N of the crabs during the experiment approach and ultimately maintain a level higher than that of the diet,the fractionation factor remains influenced by the δ13C and δ15N of the diet.We concluded that growth was the main driving factor for stable isotope turnover in juvenile green crabs and that the stable isotope abundance of the diets was an important factor affecting the fractionation coefficients.The findings of this study provide reference data for nutritional ecology research on green crabs.


广西中医药大学海洋药物研究院 广西海洋药物重点实验室 广西 南宁 530200北部湾大学海洋学院广西海洋生物多样性养护重点实验室 广西 钦州 535011山东大学(威海)海洋学院 山东 威海 264209广西海洋科学研究院 广西 南宁 530007



Scylla paramamosainStable isotopeTurnover rateFractionation coefficientDietGrowth

《渔业科学进展》 2025 (001)

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