Research on key technologies for modeling and visualization of water environment in Port Digital Twin System
着眼于数字孪生技术在港口管理领域的创新应用,深入探讨了海洋港口数字孪生的核心技术即海面波浪仿真、水下雾效果仿真以及潮汐变化仿真.研究过程中,首先利用3D Studio Max软件精心构建模型,并在Unity3D平台上成功搭建出完整的码头数字模型,实现了从现实物理世界到虚拟数字空间的精确映射与实时反馈.构建的海洋港口数字孪生系统具备多维感知能力与高效协同特性,旨在加深人类对海洋的认知,提高对海洋的持续监测能力,并以可持续的方式促进海洋与港口资源的科学管理与利用.
This paper focuses on the innovative application of digital twin technology in port management,delving into the core technologies of marine port digital twinning:simulation of sea surface waves,underwater fog effects,and tidal variations.In the research process,model was carefully constructed using 3D Studio Max software,and then a complete digital model of the dock was successfully built on the Unity3D platform,achieving precise mapping from the real physical world to the virtual digital space and providing real-time feedback.The target is to build a marine port digital twinning system with multidimensional perception and efficient collaborative characteristics,aimed at deepening human understanding of the ocean,enhancing continuous monitoring capabilities,and promoting the scientific management and sustainable use of marine and port resources.
上海海洋大学海洋科学与生态环境学院,上海 201306上海海洋大学海洋科学与生态环境学院,上海 201306||上海市河口海洋测绘工程技术研究中心,上海 201306上海海洋大学海洋科学与生态环境学院,上海 201306
digital twinport managementmarine information technology3D sceneUnity3D
《海洋预报》 2024 (6)