Topology optimization method for structural configuration design containing heterogeneous outer surface layers
严苛的服役环境要求异质表面层结构在满足特定功能的同时,兼具轻量化的特性.这意味着结构的外表面不能仅作为功能层使用,还需要参与承载,结构构型设计时需要考虑外表面异质层的影响.针对该需求,本文研究建立了一种考虑异质层影响的含外表面异质层结构的拓扑优化方法.首先,采用基于腐蚀算法的结构表面层建模技术,通过光滑过滤和离散映射两个过程构建了异质表面层结构的识别和描述模型.其次,采用非线性虚温度法识别了结构中的开放/封闭区域,并基于此区分暴露于工作环境中的结构外表面层及附着于封闭孔洞的结构内表面层.最后,建立了含外表面异质层结构的拓扑优化模型,并推导了 目标函数关于设计变量的敏度信息.几个数值算例验证了本文方法的有效性.
The harsh service environment requires the heterogeneous surface layer structure to meet the specific function while exhibiting lightweight characteristics.In other words,the outer surface of the structure can not be used as only a functional layer.It must also be involved in load transfer.Its influence should be considered when designing the structure.This paper proposes a topology optimization method for structural configuration design containing heterogeneous outer surface layers.Firstly,a structural surface layer modeling technique based on an erosion algorithm is used to construct an equivalent model of the heterogeneous surface layer structure through smooth filtering and discrete projecting.Second,the open/closed holes in the structure are identified by the nonlinear virtual temperature method,and based on this,the outer surface layer of the structure exposed to the working environment and the inner surface layer of the structure attached to the enclosed holes are distinguished.Finally,a topology optimization model for structures with heterogeneous outer surface layers is developed,and the sensitivity information of the objective function concerning the design variables is derived.Several numerical examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116024大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116024大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116024
structures with heterogeneous surface layertopology optimizationsurface layer identification and descriptionvirtual temperature method
《计算力学学报》 2024 (6)