Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement:China's role and implications for sustainable Arctic governanceOA
Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement:China's role and implications for sustainable Arctic governance
SHAN Yanyan;LIN Hui
Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai 201306,China||Polar Research Institute of China,Shanghai 200136,ChinaPolar Research Institute of China,Shanghai 200136,China
CAOF AgreementCentral Arctic OceanChinaArctic governance
CAOF AgreementCentral Arctic OceanChinaArctic governance
《极地科学进展(英文版)》 2024 (4)
This paper is supported by the China Association of Marine Affairs(CAMA)Project,"Key Issues in the Exploitation and Utilization of Polar Biological Resources under the New Situation"(Grant no.CODF-AOC202301)and the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration(CAA)entrusted project"Study on the Impact of BBNJ Agreement's Institutional Design on China's Security in Polar Regions"(Grant no.JDB2024060701014).The authors appreciate two anonymous reviewers and Associate Editor Dr.Rasmus Bertelsen for their helpful comments.