Hydration Characteristics of Excess-sulfate Titanium Gypsum Slag Cement
这是一篇矿物材料领域的论文.借鉴工业副产石膏与矿渣复合制备胶凝材料的经验,设计了若干组过硫钛石膏矿渣水泥,对该水泥的标准稠度用水量、凝结时间、力学性能和耐水性进行了研究,并对水化产物进行了XRD和SEM分析.结果表明,钛石膏会增大标准稠度用水量,并延长凝结时间,对力学性能和耐水性均有不利影响.通过适当增加熟料掺量可以弥补钛石膏的不利影响,当熟料掺量达到 25%时,复合胶凝材料的 28 d抗压强度达到 30 MPa.在钛石膏和熟料掺量较高的实验组中,水化产物主要以钙矾石和水化硅(铝)酸钙为主,而矿渣掺量较高和熟料掺量较低的实验组中,水化产物主要是无定形水化硅(铝)酸钙.
This is an article in the field of mineral materials.Based on the experience of cementing materials composited with industrial by-product gypsum and slag,several sets of excess-sulfate titanium gypsum slag cement were designed,and the water requirement of normal consistency,setting time,mechanical properties and water resistance of the cement were studied,and the hydration products were analyzed by XRD and SEM.The results show that titanium gypsum can increase the water requirement of normal consistency and prolong the setting time,which has an adverse effect on the mechanical properties and water resistance.The adverse effect of titanium gypsum can be compensated by increasing the content of clinker appropriately.When the content of clinker is 25%,the compressive strength of composite cementing material can reach 30 MPa at 28 d.In the experimental group with higher titanium gypsum or clinker content,the hydration products were mainly ettringite and calcium silicate/aluminate hydrate,while in the experimental group with higher content of slag and lower content of clinker,the hydration products were mainly amorphous calcium silicate/aluminate hydrate.
绵阳职业技术学院,四川 绵阳 621000||西南科技大学,四川 绵阳 621000绵阳职业技术学院,四川 绵阳 621000绵阳职业技术学院,四川 绵阳 621000四川砼兴源建材有限责任公司,四川 绵阳 621000四川砼兴源建材有限责任公司,四川 绵阳 621000
Mineral materialsTitanium gypsumSlagEttringiteCalcium silicate/aluminate hydrate
《矿产综合利用》 2024 (6)