Numerical study of novel multi-flapped-serration noise reduction mechanism of wind turbine airfoil
应用尾缘锯齿组件降低叶片表面的尾缘湍流噪声是风力机叶片降噪的有效手段.本文基于NA-CA643418风机翼型设计了一种新型圆角襟翼尾缘锯齿,并采用数值方法研究其降噪机理.应用大涡模拟(LES)方法计算来流风速为20 m/s、攻角为5°的基准翼型和锯齿尾缘翼型的流场,通过FW-H声类比方法分析尾缘附近的气动声学响应.计算结果表明,相比无尾缘锯齿的基准翼型,尾缘有襟翼角锯齿的翼型能有效优化翼型气动布局,提高升阻比和升力系数,新型圆角襟翼锯齿的气动性能优于传统的三角形襟翼锯齿.当襟翼角锯齿改变尾缘流场后,能将无襟翼角锯齿尾缘流场处的马蹄形涡流混合成为单涡流,使得相邻锯齿缝隙间的横流强度得到明显降低,从而对中高频噪声的抑制产生积极影响,同时圆角尾缘锯齿的降噪效果优于三角形尾缘锯齿.
The application of trailing-edge serrated components to reduce turbulent boundary-layer trailing-edge noise is an effective way to reduce wind turbine blade noise.In the paper,the noise reduction mechanism of a novel multi-flapped-serration with curved shape designed on NACA643418 wind turbine airfoil is numerically studied.Large eddy simulation(LES)is employed to calculate the flow field of baseline airfoil and trailing-edge serrated airfoil with incoming wind speed of 20 m/s and 5° angle of attack.The aero-acoustic response near the trailing edge is analyzed based on FW-H acoustic analogy method.The results reveal that compared with airfoil without serration,airfoils with curved-shape and triangular multi-flapped-serrations can effectively optimize airfoil aerodynamic layout,and improve lift-drag ratio and lift with appropriate design parameters,where multi-flapped-serration with curved shape can obtain the better aerodynamic performance than triangular multi-flapped-serration.After the flap angle serration changes the trailing edge flow field,the horseshoe vortices at the serrated trailing edge flow field without flap angles are mixed into a single vortex,resulting in a positive impact on the suppression of medium and high frequency noise.Meanwhile,the noise reduction effect of multi-flapped-serration with curved shape proposed here is better than that of triangular multi-flapped-serration.
国网上海市电力公司电力科学研究院,上海 200437国网上海市电力公司电力科学研究院,上海 200437上海电力大学 数理学院,上海 201306上海电力大学 数理学院,上海 201306上海电力大学电气工程学院,上海 200090
wind turbine airfoilturbulence boundary-layer noisetrailing-edge serrationmulti-flapped-serrationlarge-eddy-simulation
《计算力学学报》 2024 (6)