

Estimation of Near-Surface Air Temperature in Daxing'anling Mountains Forest Area based on Fengyun-4B Geostationary Meteorological Satellite Data


[目的]基于我国新一代风云四号B星(FY-4B)静止气象卫星遥感数据,采用集成学习算法构建大兴安岭林区近地表气温遥感估算模型,以提供空间连续的近地表气温图像,为大兴安岭森林火灾风险评估、植被干旱预警和生态环境评价等提供数据支撑与决策辅助.[方法]选取大兴安岭林区周边20个气象站点的监测数据作为近地表气温真值,结合FY-4B静止卫星遥感数据,根据影响近地表气温的热力学原理,分别构建地表参数(包括地表温度和地表反照率)、地形参数(包括坡度、坡向和地面高程)和时空信息(包括经纬度和观测时间)组成参数特征集.经时空匹配和归一化等预处理后,采用梯度提升决策树集成学习算法构建大兴安岭林区近地表气温遥感估算模型.将参数特征集数据按7:3比例随机分为训练集和测试集,利用气象站点实测近地表气温数据对训练得到的模型进行精度验证.将训练得到的模型应用于大兴安岭林区近地表气温估算,以获取林区完整的近地表气温空间分布.[结果]估算模型训练集的整体均方根误差(RMSE)为1.393 ℃,测试集的整体RMSE为1.621℃,模型未出现过拟合与欠拟合现象,80%的测试误差小于2.0℃,能够比较准确估算大兴安岭林区近地表气温.在近地表气温估算模型中,权重最大的特征参数为地表温度,监测时间、地表反照率、纬度和高程等也是重要的影响参数.估算模型用于实际林区气温制图任务中,可有效获取林区完整的近地表气温空间分布.[结论]结合气象站点实测近地表气温与FY-4B静止卫星遥感数据,能够有效获取间隔时间短、空间分布连续的近地表气温图像,有效弥补仅利用地面气象站点测量值导致数据缺失的不足,对人迹罕至、难以布设站点的森林深处等区域,不仅可降低气温监测成本与难度,还能进一步提升监测效率与精度.

[Objective]In this study,an ensemble learning method based on Fengyun-4B geostationary meteorological satellite remote sensing data has been proposed to estimate spatially continuous near-surface air temperature(NSAT)in the Daxing'anling Mountains forest area,which can be used to provide data support and decision-making aids for forest fire risk assessment,early warning of drought in vegetation,and evaluation of ecological environment.[Method]Taking the monitoring data from 20 meteorological stations around the Daxing'anling Mountains forest area as the true value of NSAT,combined with the remote sensing data from Chinese new FY-4B geostationary satellites,and based on the thermodynamic principle of influencing the NSAT,the land surface parameters(including the land surface temperature and land surface albedo),the topographic parameters(including the slope,aspect,and the elevation),as well as the spatiotemporal information(including the latitude,longitude,and the time of observation)were utilized to form the feature set,respectively.After preprocessing,such as spatiotemporal matching and normalization,the estimation model of NSAT in the Daxing'anling Mountains forest area is constructed and obtained using the gradient boosting decision tree ensemble learning algorithm.The feature set was randomly divided into the training set and the testing set in the ratio of 7:3,and the accuracy of the ensemble learning model was verified using the measured NSAT data from meteorological stations.The trained model was applied to estimate the near-surface air temperature in the Daxing'anling forest area,successfully obtaining the complete spatial distribution of near-surface air temperature in the region.[Result]The results showed that the estimation model constructed in this study has an overall RMSE(root mean square error)of 1.393 ℃ for the training set and 1.621 ℃ for the test set,the model has no overfitting and underfitting phenomena,and 80%of the results error is less than 2.0 ℃,so it can accurately estimate the NSATs in the Daxing'anling Mountains forest area.It can be seen that in the NSAT estimation model,the feature parameter with the most significant influence on the weights is the land surface temperature.In addition,monitoring time,land surface albedo,latitude,and elevation are all essential feature parameters based on feature weight analysis.The prediction model was also applied to mapping the NSAT in the forest area,effectively obtaining the complete spatial distribution results.[Conclusion]By combining the measured NSAT at meteorological stations with FY-4B geostationary satellite remote sensing image,it can effectively obtain NSAT images with short time intervals and continuous spatial distributions,which effectively makes up for the problem of data lacking that exists when only station measurements are utilized.For areas such as deep forests,which are rare and difficult to set up stations,it not only reduces the cost and difficulty of temperature monitoring but also further improves the efficiency and fineness,which has both theoretical and applied values.


国家林业和草原局林草调查规划院 北京 100714中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院 北京 100083



near-surface air temperatureforest areageostationary satelliteensemble learningDaxing'anling Mountains

《林业科学》 2024 (12)



