

Effects of Nitrogen Spraying Time on the Biomass Allocation and Nutrient Utilization of Paeonia ostii'Fengdan'Twigs


[目的]通过叶面施氮的方法探究氮肥的喷施时间对油用牡丹养分利用特性的影响,为解决我国油用牡丹栽培中氮肥利用效率低、生产人工成本高等问题提供参考.[方法]以长势均匀的10年生'凤丹'牡丹为研究对象,于显蕾期至种子收获期每隔15天利用智能微喷灌进行叶面喷施,生长期内总施氮量为450 kg.hm-2,选用尿素为唯一氮源,尿素溶液浓度为5g·L-1,设置4个氮肥喷施时间,3:00-4:00(T1)、7:00-8:00(T2)、14:00-15:00(T3)、19:00-20:00(T4).研究一天中的不同氮肥喷施时间对油用牡丹'凤丹'生育进程中干物质积累,氮、磷、钾养分吸收情况以及利用规律的影响.[结果]1)不同氮肥喷施时间处理下,植株小枝总生物量随着生育期递进逐渐增加,各时期营养器官与生殖器官生物量积累在T3处理有最大值(P>0.05).2)随着生育期递进,植株干物质分配比例表现为营养器官逐渐降低,生殖器官逐渐增加并于120天时达到最高,其中生殖器官分配以T3最高(P>0.05),2022年和2023年花后30天时生殖器官干物质分别占总干物质的15.95%~25.81%和15.36%~18.92%,至120天时可达34.78%~45.78%.3)叶片氮磷钾含量随生育期递进逐渐降低,小枝茎的氮、磷含量先升高后降低,钾含量持续降低,生殖器官氮磷钾含量先降低后升高;叶片和生殖器官氮、磷、钾积累量逐渐增加,茎的氮积累量变化平稳,磷积累量先增加后减少,钾积累量逐渐增加,各器官不同时期不同处理间具有一定差异.[结论]相同氮肥浓度下,氮肥喷施时间可在'凤丹'不同发育时期影响植株的营养生长和生殖生长,14:00-15:00使用微喷灌设备进行氮肥叶面喷施,更利于植株小枝生物量的积累,该时段处理的植株小枝生物量积累、植株氮磷钾元素积累量、氮素收获指数及氮素利用效率均最高.

[Objective]The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of nitrogen fertiliser spraying time on the nutrient utilization characteristics of Paeonia ostii'Fengdan'(oil peony)through foliar application of nitrogen,so as to provide a reference for solving the problems of low nitrogen fertiliser utilization efficiency and high production labour cost in oil peony cultivation in China.[Method]The 10-year-old P.ostii'Fengdan'with uniform growth was used as the research object.The intelligent micro-sprinkler irrigation was applied for the leaf surface spraying every 15 days from the bud stage to the seed harvest stage.The total nitrogen application rate during the growth period was 450 kg·hm-2,with a concentration of 5 g·L urea solution selected as the sole nitrogen source.Four nitrogen spraying times were set,3:00-4:00(Tl),7:00-8:00(T2),14:00-15:00(T3)and 19:00-20:00(T4),respectively.The effects of different nitrogen fertilizer spraying time during a day on dry matter accumulation,nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium absorption and utilization of P.ostii'Fengdan'were investigated during its growth process.[Result]1)Under different nitrogen spraying time treatments,the total biomass of twigs increased gradually with the progression of growth stage,and the biomass accumulation of vegetative organs and reproductive organs was highest in the T3 treatment(P>0.05).2)As the growth period progresses,the plant dry matter allocation proportion in vegetative organs gradually reduced,while that in reproductive organs gradually increased,reaching the highest at 120 days.Among them,the allocation in reproductive organs was highest in T3(P>0.05),and the dry matter of reproductive organs in 2022 and 2023 accounted for 15.95%-25.81%and 15.36%-18.92%of the total dry matter at 30 days after anthesis,respectively,and reached 34.78%-45.78%at 120 days.3)The contents of N,P and K in leaves gradually decreased with the progression of the growth period;the contents of N and P in stems first increased and then decreased,while the K content continued to decrease.N,P and K content in leaves and reproductive organs increased gradually,the accumulation of N in stems changed steadily,the accumulation of P first increased and then decreased,and the accumulation of K increased gradually.There were some differences in the nutrient accumulation in different organs between different treatments and different periods.[Conclusion]With the same nitrogen concentration,the nitrogen spraying time can affect the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of P.ostii'Fengdan'at different development stages.Foliar spraying of nitrogen fertilizer using micro-sprinkler irrigation from 14:00 to 15:00 is more conducive to plant twigs biomass accumulation.Plant twigs biomass accumulation,plant N,P and K accumulation,nitrogen harvest index,and nitrogen use efficiency are all the highest at that time.


河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471023河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471023河南科技大学园艺与植物保护学院 洛阳 471023河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471023河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471023河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471023河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471023河南科技大学农学院 洛阳 471023



Paeonia ostii'Fengdan'nitrogenspraying time of foliarallocation of biomassnutrient utilization

《林业科学》 2024 (12)



