Prediction of Breeding Values and Preliminary Selection of Superior Individuals for Rapid Growth and Wind Resistance Traits in Casuarina equisetifolia
[目的]以台风袭击后的木麻黄国际种源试验林为研究对象,以速生抗风性为主要选育目标,开展短枝木麻黄抗风种质的评价和优良个体的选择.[方法]以澳大利亚林木种子中心引进的10个国家23个种源109个家系的10年生短枝木麻黄种源试验林作为材料,基于"杜苏芮"台风袭击后灾害调查数据,利用基于BLUP的混合线性模型方法对生长性状、遗传力和育种值进行测定和估算,并结合折干率、倒伏率、保存率和台风受损程度对短枝木麻黄优良家系和优良个体进行综合选择.[结果]不同家系间树高、胸径、材积和保存率差异达极显著水平(P<0.001),冠幅达显著水平(P<0.01),倒伏率、折干率、受损程度差异不显著(P>0.05).除了保存率外,木麻黄基因库的其他性状家系遗传力都小于单株遗传力.以材积育种值大于0、剔除保存率小于平均值的家系和入选率为20%为标准,筛选了 22个速生优良家系,其树高、胸径、单株立木材积和冠幅能获得的遗传增益分别为18.27%、23.2%、49.9%和24.3%;采用单株材积育种值为正且入选率为10%为标准,筛选了 106株优良个体,树高、胸径、单株立木材积和冠幅能获得的遗传增益分别为21.0%、44.4%、101.8%和38.5%,可提供木麻黄第1代种子园建园材料并充实核心生产群体.[结论]台风袭击后不同木麻黄家系生长性状差异显著,具有较强选择潜力.根据材积性状育种值结合保存率筛选出22个优良家系和106株优良个体,可作为进一步遗传改良的材料.
[Objectives]This study aims to evaluate the wind resistance of Casuarina equisetifolia and select superior individuals with rapid growth and high wind resistance in the international provenance trial forest of C.equisetifolia,which was affected by typhoon"Du Suri".[Method]In this study,a 10-year-old C.equisetifolia provenance trial forest with 109 families,23 provenances from 10 countries,introduced from the Australian Forest Seed Center,was used as selection materials.Based on disaster survey data after undergoing typhoon"Dusu Rui"attack,the BLUP mixed linear model method was used to measure and estimate the growth traits and heritability.A comprehensive selection of superior families and individuals of C.equisetifolia was made by combining the rates of breakage,lodging,survival,and typhoon damage.[Result]There were extremely significant differences(P<0.001)in tree height,diameter at breast height(DBH),volume,and survival rate among different families,and the crown width showed significant difference(P<0.01).There were no dignificant differences in lodging rate,breakage rate,and extent of damage(P>0.05).Except for the survival rate,the heritability of other traits in the Casuarina provenance forest was lower than that of individuals.By setting the selection criteria as a breeding value for volume greater than 0,excluding families with a survival rate below average,and a selection rate of 20%,22 superior fast-growing families were identified.The genetic gains in tree height,DBH,individual tree volume,and crown width for these families were 18.27%,23.2%,49.9%,and 24.3%,respectively.Using positive individual tree volume breeding values and a selection rate of 10%as criteria,106 superior individuals were selected.The genetic gains in tree height,DBH,individual volume,and crown width for these individuals were 21.0%,44.4%,101.8%,and 38.5%,respectively.[Conclusion]There are significant differences in growth traits among different C.equisetifolia families after the typhoon attack,indicating strong potential for selection.Based on the breeding values for volume traits combined with survival rates,22 superior families and 106 superior individuals have been selected as materials for further genetic improvement.The selection can provide materials for the establishment of the first-generation seed orchard of Casuarina and enrich the core production population.
福建省晋江坫头国有防护林场 晋江 362200
Casuarina equisetifoliagenetic resourceswind resistantbreeding valuechoice
《林业科学》 2024 (12)