Effect of Precision Feeding on Methane Emissions of Individual Cows
反刍动物奶牛的甲烷排放是农业温室气体主要排放源之一,而采食量是影响个体奶牛甲烷排量的重要因素,故研制个体奶牛精准饲喂系统和利用甲烷检测装置分析奶牛采食量对甲烷排量的影响,对提高奶牛健康水平、提高饲料利用率和奶牛科学饲养管理能力等方面均具有重要意义.为此,设计了个体奶牛精准饲喂系统和甲烷检测装置,利用个体奶牛穿戴式"牛衣"和牧场内主体框架分布网点固定安装相结合的方法,采集对照组和试验组各 3 头奶牛采食前后奶牛后肠道甲烷排量和奶牛嗳气与呼吸的甲烷排量.研究表明,个体奶牛精准饲喂系统可依据奶牛个体差异实现饲料的定量饲喂,相同条件下精准饲喂和自由采食的个体奶牛甲烷排量和产奶量有差异但不显著,且随着个体奶牛采食量增加,甲烷排量会随之升高,说明饲喂量与甲烷排量之间存在正相关关系.
Methane emissions from ruminant cows are one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions from agricul-ture,and feed intake is an important factor affecting individual cow methane emissions.Developing a precise feeding sys-tem and methane detection device for individual cows to analyze the impact of cow feed intake on methane emissions is of great significance for improving cow health,improving feed utilization,and enhancing scientific feeding and management capabilities.This article studied and designed a precise feeding system and methane detection device for individual dairy cows.By combining the wearable cow clothing of individual dairy cows with the fixed installation of the main framework distribution network in the pasture,the methane emissions in the hindgut of four cows in the control group and the experi-mental group before and after feeding,as well as the methane emissions in the belching and breathing of cows,were col-lected.Research had shown that the precision feeding system for individual cows can achieve quantitative feed based on individual differences.Under the same conditions,there was a difference in methane emissions and milk production be-tween precision fed and freely fed individual cows,but it was not significant.However,as individual cows increase their feed intake,methane emissions will increase,indicating a positive correlation between feed intake and methane emis-sions.
黑龙江省农业机械工程科学研究院,哈尔滨 150081哈尔滨完达山奶牛养殖有限公司,哈尔滨 150528
precision feedingmethane emissionscow
《农机化研究》 2025 (003)
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