Simulation Analysis of Air Flow Seed Cleaning for Seed Combine Harvester Based on CFD-DEM
针对现有种子联合收获机在收获后籽粒输运搅龙、杂余搅龙和卸粮搅龙处会残留种子的问题,在上述部位添加了清种气流,并分析在这些机构内使用气流清理残留种粒的可行性.从螺旋搅龙转速和清种入口气流速度这两个因素对清种效果的影响进行研究,开展卸粮搅龙机构内气固两相流的数值仿真,并基于计算流体力学-离散单元法(CFD-DEM)进行耦合求解,获得了清种过程中气相与颗粒相的速度分布及运动轨迹.结果表明:螺旋搅龙的运动状态对清种气流的通过性有显著影响;当螺旋搅龙处在高转速状态时,清种气流衰减速度较快,此状态下难以有效地利用气流进行清种;气流速度对清种效果影响显著,余种数量和清种所用时间随气流速度升高而降低,但当气流速度过快时会使种子撞击在螺旋搅龙叶片上产生反流和飞溅现象,从而影响清种效果.仿真表明,最优清种气流速度为 50 m/s.
In response to the problem of residual seeds in the transport and unloading augers of existing seed combine har-vesters after unloading,a seed cleaning jet was added to these areas.Analyze and study the feasibility of using airflow to clean residual seed particles within a spiral conveying structure.A study was conducted on the influence of two factors,the rotational speed of the spiral auger and the airflow velocity at the seed cleaning inlet,on the seed cleaning effect,and numerical simulation of the gas-solid two-phase flow inside the unloading auger structure was carried out.The numerical simulation was based on the coupled solution of Computational Fluid Dynamics Discrete Element Method(CFD-DEM),and the motion trajectories and distribution states of gas and particle phases under different operating parameters and air-flow conditions were obtained.The results showed that the motion state of the spiral auger had a significant impact on the passing ability of the seed cleaning airflow.When the spiral auger was in a high speed state,the seed cleaning airflow de-cays faster and the wind loss was greater,making it difficult to effectively clean the seeds through the airflow.The airflow speed had a significant impact on the seed cleaning effect.The number of remaining seeds and the time required for seed cleaning decrease with the increase of airflow speed.When the airflow speed was too fast,it will cause the seeds to collide with the blades of the spiral auger,resulting in flowing toward the opposite direction and affecting the seed cleaning effect.The optimal seed cleaning airflow speed was 50 m/s.
江苏大学 农业工程学院,江苏 镇江 212000江苏大学 农业工程学院,江苏 镇江 212000江苏大学 农业工程学院,江苏 镇江 212000江苏大学 农业工程学院,江苏 镇江 212000江苏大学 农业工程学院,江苏 镇江 212000
seed combine harvesterair flow seed cleaningsimulation analysisCFD-DEMrice seeds
《农机化研究》 2025 (4)