Model free adaptive attitude control for a 3-DOF helicopter
In this paper,an improvement to model free adaptive control(MFAC)method is proposed for attitude control system of a 3-DOF helicopter.MFAC is a data-driven control method and generates the control signals based on the input and output data,not relying on the system mathematical model.The existing MFAC methods based on the compact form dynamic linearized data model require the system to satisfy four assumptions,however,this paper demonstrates that the 3-DOF helicopter attitude control system satisfies all other assumptions except for Assumption 4(the corresponding controlled system output should be non-decreasing when the control input increases).Hence for the attitude control system of a 3-DOF helicopter,following improvements are made to the existing MFAC methods:i)A new output is defined as a linear combination of angle and angular velocity,and it has been proved that the redefined output satisfies Assumption 4;ii)It is proved that the linear parameter in the redefined output influences the performance of closed-loop system;iii)The input differentiation term is added to change the eigenvalue distribution of the closed-loop system and then improve the system performance.Finally,simulations as well as experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme,respectively.
山东科技大学电气与自动化工程学院,山东青岛 266590北京邮电大学人工智能学院,北京 100876北京航空航天大学电子信息学院,北京 100191山东科技大学数学与系统科学学院,山东青岛 266590山东科技大学电气与自动化工程学院,山东青岛 266590
model free adaptive control3-DOF helicopterdata-driven controlattitude control
《控制理论与应用》 2024 (12)
国家自然科学基金项目(62473056,62071021),山东省高等学校青年创新团队发展计划项目(2021KJ028),北京市科技新星计划项目(20230484338),北京市科技新星交叉合作课题项目(20240484539),北京邮电大学基本科研业务费新进教师项目(2024RC09)资助.Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(62473056,62071021),the Science and Technology Support Plan for Youth Inno-vation of Colleges and Universities of Shandong Province of China(2021KJ028),the Beijing Nova Program(20230484338),the Beijing Nova Cross Cooperation Program(20240484539)and the New Teacher Program of BUPT(2024RC09).