首页|期刊导航|皮肤性病诊疗学杂志|5 438例女性人乳头瘤病毒感染的特点及与宫颈细胞学的相关性分析

5 438例女性人乳头瘤病毒感染的特点及与宫颈细胞学的相关性分析OA

Analysis of the characteristics of HPV infection and its correlation with cervical cytology in 5 438 women


目的 了解茂名地区女性宫颈部位人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染现状,分析其亚型分布特征及与宫颈细胞学检查(TCT)结果的相关性,为该地区宫颈癌的防治及流行病学研究提供依据.方法 对2022年1月至2023年12月期间在茂名市人民医院就诊及体检的27 071例女性进行HPV检测,其中24 900例进行TCT检测,分析HPV感染情况、亚型分布特点以及与宫颈病变的关系.结果 27 071例女性中,HPV阳性5 438例,阳性率为20.09%;检出最高的5种基因亚型依次为HPV52(19.92%)、HPV58(8.96%)、HPV16(8.83%)、HPV53(6.88%)、HPV81(6.15%).其中体检者 10 237 例,检出HPV阳性1 244例,阳性率12.15%.不同年龄的就诊者、体检者中的HPV阳性率均存在统计学差异(均P<0.001).在进行了 HPV、TCT两项检测的24 900例患者中,单一基因型感染3 676例,其中TCT阳性1 176例(31.99%,1 176/3 676);多基因型混合感染1 236例,其中TCT阳性605例(48.95%,605/1 236),HPV多基因型混合感染者的TCT阳性率高于HPV单一基因型感染者(x2=128.86,P<0.001).TCT 阳性人群中主要亚型前 5 位为 HPV52(19.20%)、HPV16(12.46%)、HPV58(8.91%)、HPV53(6.96%)、HPV51(5.76%).TCT 阳性者的 HPV 阳性率明显高于 TCT 阴性者(x2=5 340.19,P<0.001).结论 茂名地区女性HPV感染以单一基因型感染为主,HPV感染亚型特点与国内外报道较一致,但HPV53、51在TCT异常的女性中占有一定比例,需引起重视.

Objective To reveal the current status of human papillomavirus(HPV)infection in the cervix among women in the Maoming district,and analyze the characteristics of subtype dis-tribution,and its correlation with the results of cervical cytologic test(TCT).Methods HPV testing was carried out in 27 071 women at Maoming People's Hospital from January 2022 to De-cember 2023.Among them,24 900 subjects underwent TCT testing.The HPV infection status,characteristics of subtype distribution,and their relationship with cervical lesions were analyzed.Results Among 27 071 women,5 438 subjects were tested positive for HPV,with an infection rate of 20.09%.The five most common genotypes were HPV52(19.92%),HPV58(8.96%),HPV16(8.83%),HPV53(6.88%),and HPV81(6.15%).Over 12%of individuals(1 244/10 237,12.15%)undergoing routine physical examinations were positive for HPV.There were significant differences in HPV infection rates between the patients and those who underwent routine physical examination in all age groups(all P<0.001).Among the 24 900 patients who underwent both HPV and TCT tests,3 676 cases showed single-genotype infections,among which 1 176 ca-ses(31.99%)were TCT positive.A total of 1 236 cases were multiple-genotype infections,with TCT positive in 605 cases(48.95%).The TCT positive rate was higher in those with multiple-genotype HPV infections than those with single-genotype infections(X2=128.86,P<0.001).Among the TCT positive cases,the top five HPV subtypes were HPV52(19.20%),HPV16(12.46%),HPV58(8.91%),HPV53(6.96%),and HPV51(5.76%).The HPV infection rate was significantly higher in TCT positive individuals than TCT negative individuals(X2=5340.19,P<0.001).Conclusions In the Maoming district,HPV infection in women is primari-ly characterized by single-genotype infection.The characteristics of subtype HPV infection are consistent with previous reports.However,substantial portion of women with TCT positive are in-fected with HPV53 and HPV51,warranting attention.


茂名市人民医院,广东 茂名 525000茂名市人民医院,广东 茂名 525000茂名市人民医院,广东 茂名 525000


human papillomavirusthinprep cytologic testsubtype distribution

《皮肤性病诊疗学杂志》 2024 (12)



