

Dermoscopic,skin confocal laser scanning microscopic and histopathological features of Fox-Fordyce disease:A report of three cases


目的 探讨Fox-Fordyce病(FFD)的皮肤镜、皮肤共聚焦显微镜(CT)及组织病理学特征,加深对该病的认识.方法 回顾性分析3例FFD患者临床、皮肤镜、皮肤CT及组织病理资料.结果 3例患者均为女性,平均年龄37岁;病程2~20年,平均病程8.3年;皮损为毛囊性丘疹,坚实、孤立分布,直径1~4 mm大小,肤色、褐色或淡黄色,伴毛发稀疏,均出现不同程度的瘙痒;发病部位为大汗腺分布区域,2例双侧腋下发病,1例双侧腋下及脐周发病.皮肤镜特征:肉色至浅棕色以毛囊为中心的无结构区域,并伴有皮纹缺失,部分可见过度角化的毛囊堵塞.皮肤CT特征:角化过度、角化不全,表皮不规则增厚,毛囊口扩张,毛囊角栓,毛囊漏斗部细胞间海绵水肿,真皮层血管周围散在炎性细胞浸润.组织病理特征:表皮不规则增厚,轻度角化过度、角化不全,毛囊角栓形成,毛囊漏斗部细胞间水肿,毛囊漏斗部周围真皮中有炎性细胞浸润、泡沫细胞,大汗腺导管轻度扩张,汗液潴留.3例患者均给予口服抗组胺药、外用维A酸乳膏及中强效激素乳膏,症状有所改善,皮疹消退不明显.结论 FFD在临床上较为少见,通过特殊的发病部位及皮损特点,结合皮肤镜、皮肤CT、组织病理特征,可作出明确诊断,但治疗存在困难.

Objective To investigate the dermoscopic,skin confocal laser scanning micro-scopic(CLSM)and histopathological features of Fox-Fordyce disease and to deepen the under-standing of this disease.Methods Clinical,dermoscopic,skin CLSM and histopathological data of 3 patients with FFD were retrospectively analysed.Results All 3 patients were females,with mean age of 37 years and mean disease duration of 8.3 years(2 years to 20 years).Skin lesions were isolated firm pruritic follicular papules,sized 1~4 mm in diameter,in skin color,brown or yellowish,accompanied by hair thinning,on the large sweat gland-rich sites,including armpits in 2 cases,and both armpits and periumbilical area in one case.Dermoscopic features included flesh-to light brown-colored follicle-centered amorphous area with loss of dermatoglyphics and some hyperkeratotic plugs.Skin CLSM showed hyperkeratosis,parakeratosis,irregular thickening of the epidermis,dilated follicular orifices,follicular plugs,intercellular spongiotic edema in the follicu-lar infundibulum,and scattered perivascular infiltration of inflammatory cells in the dermis.His-topathological changes included irregular thickening of the epidermis,mild hyperkeratosis and par-akeratosis,follicular plugs,intercellular edema in the follicular infundibulum,infiltration of in-flammatory cells and foam cells around the follicular infundibulum,mild dilatation of the sweat ducts,and sweat retention.All patients did not respond well to oral antihistamines,topical retino-ic acid cream,and topical medium-strength glucocorticoid cream.Conclusions FFD is rare.Al-though a diagnosis can be made based on the special involved sites and characteristics of skin le-sions in combination with dermoscopic,skin CLSM,and histopathological features,the treatment is still a challenge.


文山壮族苗族自治州皮肤病防治所,云南 文山 663099文山壮族苗族自治州皮肤病防治所,云南 文山 663099文山壮族苗族自治州皮肤病防治所,云南 文山 663099文山壮族苗族自治州皮肤病防治所,云南 文山 663099


Fox-Fordyce diseasedermoscopic featuresskin CLSM featureshistopatho-logical features

《皮肤性病诊疗学杂志》 2024 (12)


